Output 1.3

From atwg
Output modularized RESTBase
Parent Outcome Infrastructure for Wikimedia projects can be more easily scaled due to increased modularization, re-use, maintainability, and testability of the technology stack
Primary Team Services
Collaborating Teams MediaWiki Platform
TaskDescriptionDepends On TasksTypeAssociated OutputsPrimary TeamCollaborating TeamsStart YearDurationRisksContingenciesBenefitsAssumptionsImplicationsNotes
Simplify the RESTBase stackSeparate the routing and storage components of RESTBase into two servicesDevelopmentOutput 1.3Services03
Create a multi-purpose key/value storage componentProfiting from the RESTBase split, create a multi-DC storage component that can serve multiple needs inside Wikimedia's production environment. Use cases include, but are not limited to, Parsoid storage, MCS and others.Simplify the RESTBase stackOutput 1.3Services13
Isolate session data by creating a specialised session serviceCreate a session storage service that uses the storage component and isolate it from the rest of the system using a simple API, and make it easily available from MediaWikiCreate a multi-purpose key/value storage componentOutput 1.3ServicesMediaWiki Platform03