Output 5.3 (ARCHIVED)

From atwg
Output decision on supporting shared hosting
Parent Outcome It is easier to install, update, deploy, and configure our development, testing, and production environments as well as simple third-party instances of our technology stack
Primary Team
Collaborating Teams
TaskDescriptionDepends On TasksTypeAssociated OutputsPrimary TeamCollaborating TeamsStart YearDurationRisksContingenciesBenefitsAssumptionsImplicationsNotes
Research 3rd party installations, uses, and contributions (ARCHIVED)Research 3rd party installations to better understand their environments in order prioritize what types of environments and installations to prioritize. Important dimensions to understand include: Bare metal, VPS, Shared hosting, LAMP and LAMx.ResearchOutput 5.3 (ARCHIVED)MediaWiki PlatformReading Infrastructure (Gergo)03Virtualization/Containerization/Cloud/Shared/Bare metal?