Task Table: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:41, 11 February 2018

<graphviz format="png">digraph tasks { rankdir=LR; node [shape=box, fontsize=10, fontname="Arial bold"]; edge [color=gray75];

Task0001 [URL="Make REST Routing possible in MediaWiki", label=<

Make REST Routing possible in MediaWiki

>]; Task0002 [URL="Identify features that the REST API needs to support", label=<

Identify features that the REST
API needs to support
Product and Design)

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0003 [URL="Design MediaWiki REST API", label=<

Design MediaWiki REST API

>]; Task0004 [URL="Develop MediaWiki REST API", label=<

Develop MediaWiki REST API

>]; Task0007 [URL="Research architecture requirements and needs, identify and resolve trade-offs", label=<

Research architecture requirements
and needs, identify and resolve
(MediaWiki Platform)

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0008 [URL="Write Architecture Spec", label=<

Write Architecture Spec

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0009 [URL="Refactor MediaWiki Core into well encapsulated components, removing global state and circular dependencies between classes", label=<

Refactor MediaWiki Core into well
encapsulated components, removing
global state and circular dependencies
between classes

>]; Task001 [URL="Prototype page assembly", label=<

Prototype page assembly

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0010 [URL="Simplify the RESTBase stack", label=<

Simplify the RESTBase stack

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0011 [URL="Create a multi-purpose key/value storage component", label=<

Create a multi-purpose key/value
storage component

>]; Task0012 [URL="Isolate session data by creating a specialised session service", label=<

Isolate session data by creating
a specialised session service

>]; Task0013 [URL="Refactor Parsoid to support porting", label=<

Refactor Parsoid to support porting

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0014 [URL="Prototype and test PHP implementation of Parsoid", label=<

Prototype and test PHP implementation
of Parsoid

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0015 [URL="Standardize on a single parser", label=<

Standardize on a single parser

>]; Task002 [URL="Develop page assembly capability", label=<

Develop page assembly capability

>]; Task0020 [URL="Create a purpose built developer portal for documentation", label=<

Create a purpose built developer
portal for documentation

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0021 [URL="Document MediaWiki PHP service interface on portal", label=<

Document MediaWiki PHP service
interface on portal

>]; Task0022 [URL="Document MediaWiki REST API on portal", label=<

Document MediaWiki REST API on

>]; Task0023 [URL="Document system architecture, lifecycles, etc. on developer portal", label=<

Document system architecture, lifecycles,
etc. on developer portal

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen]; Task0024 [URL="Develop, publish and implement Code Standards that align with our new priorities around APIs, encapsulation and global state", label=<

Develop, publish and implement
Code Standards that align with
our new priorities around APIs,
encapsulation and global state

>, color=darkgreen, fontcolor=darkgreen];

Task0008->Task0001 Task0002->Task0003 Task0009->Task0003 Task0001->Task0004 Task0003->Task0004 Task0007->Task0008 Task0008->Task0009 Task0008->Task001 Task0010->Task0011 Task0011->Task0012 Task0013->Task0014 Task0011->Task0015 Task0014->Task0015 Task0008->Task0015 Task0009->Task0021 Task0020->Task0021 Task0004->Task0022 Task0020->Task0022 Task0020->Task0023 Task0008->Task0023 Task0020->Task0024 } </graphviz>