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Initiative: MW REST API in PHP

Clinic Duty Team: Later Epics: Doing Epics: Done! Epics: Epic Backlog Epics: Ready for Engineering Green: Backlog Green: PM Sign-off Green: Waiting for Review Initiatives: Now S&F Workboard: Backlog User Stories: Backlog User Stories: In Review User Stories: Waiting to be Scheduled BACKLOG
Phab.png T252591: REST API endpoints give confusing errors for invalid OAuth2 access tokens
Phab.png T247876: User contributions API
Phab.png T229662: Minimal client REST API
Phab.png T258430: Wikibase REST API
Phab.png T260918: Tags API
Phab.png T262227: Extended user contributions API
Phab.png T262082: MW REST API Improvements
Phab.png T234944: Media management API
Phab.png T235081: Content management API
Phab.png T235093: User management API
Phab.png T237864: REST API endpoints and properties to support MCR
Phab.png T234951: Extended history API
Phab.png T237565: REST API Infrastructure in MediaWiki
Phab.png T265204: /page/{title}/links/media returns 500 error when more than 100 media files present
Phab.png T255580: Discuss changelog for Core REST API
Phab.png T225761: Document the REST API on
Phab.png T239752: Client Developer downloads machine-readable definition of the API
Phab.png T259626: Contributor deletes page description
Phab.png T259625: Contributor sets page description
Phab.png T259624: Reader gets page description
Phab.png T259622: System Administrator disables Wikidata fallback for article descriptions
Phab.png T252145: Introduce REST entities extensively/upfront to fully represent defined schema in code.
Phab.png T229661: Core REST API in MediaWiki
Phab.png T254007: Create PoC with explanation how REST Entities would work
Phab.png T237869: Contributor creates a page slot
Phab.png T221162: System Adminstrator limits rate of MediaWiki REST API calls per client
Phab.png T237866: Reader reads a page with slots
Phab.png T237874: Reader reads a page slot offline
Phab.png T237858: Moderator rolls back a user's revisions to a page
Phab.png T237857: Curator reads a revision's reverse diff
Phab.png T235091: Curator deletes a file
Phab.png T237883: Contributor deletes a page slot
Phab.png T235095: Moderator adds a user to a group
Phab.png T260922: Moderator gets change tags of revisions in page history
Phab.png T260920: Adminstrator creates or updates a change tag
Phab.png T235094: Moderator gets user groups
Phab.png T235100: User saves settings
Phab.png T262079: Reader follows a page redirect
Phab.png T234945: Contributor creates a file
Phab.png T262258: Reader gets Internet Media Type of related files
Phab.png T237872: Curator reads revision slot source
Phab.png T237877: Curator reads a revision slot online
Phab.png T235087: Moderator protects a file
Phab.png T235085: Curator gets inbound links
Phab.png T235078: Curator reads a file revision
Phab.png T235088: Curator undeletes a page
Phab.png T237871: Contributor updates a page slot
Phab.png T237879: Reader reads a binary page slot
Phab.png T235096: Moderator removes a user from a group
Phab.png T235090: Curator renames a file
Phab.png T234668: Request new OAuth 2.0 client ID
Phab.png T234669: List OAuth 2.0 client IDs
Phab.png T235071: Curator deletes a revision
Phab.png T260923: Administrator deletes a change tag
Phab.png T234673: Delete all OAuth 2.0 access tokens
Phab.png T237868: Curator reads a revision with slots
Phab.png T247798: Core REST API logs calls
Phab.png T240299: Curator compares two revisions that differ in non-main slots
Phab.png T234946: Contributor updates a file
Phab.png T235097: Moderator blocks a user
Phab.png T240301: Curator compares two revisions with HTML output
Phab.png T235098: Moderator blocks an IP address or range
Phab.png T235099: User gets user settings
Phab.png T237880: Curator reads a binary revision slot
Phab.png T235082: Curator deletes a page
Phab.png T237876: Curator reads a revision slot offline
Phab.png T234947: Curator searches for a file
Phab.png T235080: Curator reverts to a previous file revision
Phab.png T234975: Curator reviews an edit
Phab.png T235089: Moderator patrols a page
Phab.png T235084: Curator renames a page
Phab.png T237870: Contributor gets page slot source
Phab.png T234679: Support browser-based API clients with OAuth 2.0 client IDs
Phab.png T235079: Curator deletes a file revision
Phab.png T234667: OAuth 2.0 Access Token for Authorization
Phab.png T234670: Delete OAuth 2.0 client ID
Phab.png T234666: Use OAuth 2.0 With Client Developer's Authorization
Phab.png T235075: Curator gets recent changes
Phab.png T234677: Support Free and Open Source software API clients with OAuth 2.0
Phab.png T235076: Curator gets file history
Phab.png T234674: Delete OAuth 2.0 access tokens on password change
Phab.png T235086: Moderator protects a page
Phab.png T230846: Reader gets language links
Phab.png T230848: Reader gets file description
Phab.png T231351: Curator gets reverted edits count
Phab.png T231355: Curator gets reverted edit history
Phab.png T235782: Specify Canonical Version of MW REST API URI
Phab.png T236170: Implement get media file endpoint
Phab.png T235072: Curator reverts to a previous revision
Phab.png T235568: Implement Param Validation for Existence of Title and Access Rights
Phab.png T235298: Client Developer gets RFC7807 error response
Phab.png T239843: Reader gets list of contributors to a page
Phab.png T235240: Curator reads a revision offline
Phab.png T252063: Add integration tests that verify Thumbnails serialisation into JSON according to FileRepresentation specification
Phab.png T246002: Move CORE REST API to be served from the MW API Cluster
Phab.png T237875: Reader reads a page slot online
Phab.png T237577: Curator undoes a revision
Phab.png T247779: System Administrator uses caching proxy to lower resource requirements
Phab.png T235241: Curator reads a revision online
Phab.png T235239: Curator gets revision source
Phab.png T236971: Reader gets file license offline
Phab.png T236113: API developer creates automated documentation
Phab.png T237043: Keep edit counts in separate database table and update on edit
Phab.png T238376: System Administrator uses object cache to lower database traffic
Phab.png T237566: Client Developer calls sample API endpoint
Phab.png T234486: Implement reverted edits count endpoint
Phab.png T252431: Contributor gets own edit score
Phab.png T258433: Reader gets Wikibase item presentation format
Phab.png T251807: Contributor gets count of page views for pages they have contributed to
Phab.png T248331: Make comment parameter optional in page creation endpoint in the REST API
Phab.png T260919: Moderator gets a change tag
Phab.png T258431: Reader gets Wikibase item source
Phab.png T258623: Use unique criterion for segmenting contributions
Phab.png T255043: Move Minimal client REST API endpoints from coredev/v0 to v1
Phab.png T221741: Define REST API interface in MediaWiki using OpenAPI 3.0 definition
Phab.png T245477: OAuth server should provide clear and useful feedback about client errors
Phab.png T239299: Reverse diff endpoint supports MCR
Phab.png T255610: Improve docs for Core REST API extension interface
Phab.png T251808: Contributor gets count of page views for pages they have contributed to with a tag
Phab.png T247439: Basic update in MediaWiki REST API
Phab.png T259617: Article description editing API
Phab.png T239298: Comparison endpoint supports MCR
Phab.png T245475: OAuth 2.0 consumer form is not consistent with implementation
Phab.png T235525: Make counts and history arguments consistent
Phab.png T251915: Use TitleFormatter instead of direct access in SearchHandler
Phab.png T234470: Decide on pagination and links spec for Core REST API