Sam Reed

From devsummit
Revision as of 11:57, 14 December 2017 by Ccicalese (talk | contribs)
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Tags Documentation, Security, Testing
Primary Session Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community
Secondary Sessions

Security is important. Although Wikimedia/MediaWiki has a generally good track record, we should always be striving for better, ideally, in an automated fashion via testing of the code, and providing a decent and easy to use framework inside MediaWiki to allow people to do this without causing them excess work or effort. In some cases, we can do this through documentation; we have some options that allow for complex things to be done, but it's not very clear to developers that what they are doing may lead to security issues down the road.

In the same way we run phpcs, and are moving towards running phan, it would be very nice to improve our automated testing with a security focus. Helping point people to potential pain points in the future, or just general bad practices now.

As Tim Starling said a few years ago, people shouldn't be doing CR for code style etc. It doesn't make sense, it's a waste of time. This should be automated away as much as possible. Which is happening, slowly improving the MediaWiki codebase.

How can we use this basic idea, and improve the MediaWiki software and it's extensions for security best practices?