Adam Shorland

From devsummit
Revision as of 09:20, 14 November 2017 by Ccicalese (talk | contribs)
Tags Architecture, Open Source, Wikibase
Primary Session
Secondary Sessions

I believe that the technicaly community should strive to collect and effectively disseminate technical knowledge as per the Wikimedia missions attement.

Ability to grow out technical community can be compared with ones own ability to gain knowledge in technical spaces within the Wikimedia movement. Currently there are many barriers to entry that have been surfaced year after year with some but little movement forward past them.

To scale and ready the community we should push forward and enable the use of emerging trends in technology, such as knowledge retaining Q&A platforms. There are many other organizations and softwares that do this much better than Wikimedia we should learn from them. Looking at Q&A platforms specifically, talk pages have never really been a good place to ask questions and retain knowledge in a searchable way for use in the future. Stackoverfolw, as an example, has proven to be an invaluable resource for people in technical spaces and we can learn from that. MediaWiki is an amazing piece of software, but we should not feel 'boxed in' by it. The Wikimedia foundation is not the MediaWiki foundation, MediaWiki does not have to always just be a wiki page.

Our commitment to Open Source is often something that slows down many actions within the movement, however this is not something that should change as it is integral to what Wikimedia stands for at the core. We should embrace our Open Source commitments and reach out to and engage with organizations using our software more. Wikimedia Germany does this outreach specifically with the Wikibase extension, looking for other users and engaging them to discover how they are using it, why, and how it can be better. The Wikibase extension also specifically the Wikibase Query Service shows us that not everything has to be a wiki page, as the query service disseminates knowledge under a free licence effectively.

I hope that the summit will agree that entry to our technical space, and increasing knowledge persistence within our technical space needs some thought and work, and that we should stay committed to Mediawiki as a software and platform, but that it can look, feel and act different while Wikimedia stays true to its mission.