Outcome 1

From platformevolution
Target Description Measurement Method
Engineers can view the architecture of the current technology stack in a single document Ensure this document exists, is accessible by engineers inside and outside the organization, and is announced in public communication channels
Outcome Output Primary Team Collaborating Teams Milestones
Outcome 1: Engineers have a clear understanding of our technology stack and the plan to better scale, maintain and test it Output 1.1: Architecture Spec for the WMF technology stack WMDE (Daniel)
  • TechCom
  • MediaWiki Platform
  • Services
  • Performance
  • Parsing
  • Reading Infrastructure
Output 1.2: MediaWiki REST API Design MediaWiki Platform
  • Services
  • Readers Web
  • Reading Infrastructure
  • Audiences Design
  • Audiences Product
Output 1.3: Parser Unification Plan Parsing
  • MediaWiki Platform