Code Review

From devsummit

4 statements.

Author Tags Primary Session Secondary Sessions Position Statement
Markus Glaser Code Review, Documentation, Gadgets, Software Development Practices, Templates, Third Parties Supporting Third-Party Use of MediaWiki Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community

Mediawiki needs a professional ecosystem

There is a huge potential for MediaWiki development outside of the Foundation's organized tech world. Thousands of organisations are running MediaWiki on the internet or intranet. They are investing time and money to make it their platform for information sharing, knowledge management or collaborative work. Yet, a lot of the development and design work stays contained on those installations instead of being published and provided to the greater MediaWiki community. I think this is not because of seclusiveness of the authors, but because we make it hard for externals to contribute.

So how can we tap into this potential? I think there are a number of measures we can take. Among others, these are:

  • Support standard ways for code contribution. For example, a lot of developers do have a github account, and know the github workflow of forking and requesting pulls. However, there is currently no way for them to contribute their code directly, instead they have to set up with our gerrit infrastructure. This is a hurdle many will not take.
  • Maintain extensions as a community. There are a lot of extensions which are not actively maintained by their authors. In order to get them working, you have to wait for the maintainer to +2 your code. Although I have +2 rights, it is not clear under which circumstances I should actually +2 code, nor is there a general review queue for extensions. We can establish a group of volunteers who review changes to extensions on a regular basis.
  • Create a template and gadget repository. A lot of work goes into site customisation using gadgets, templates or on-site-CSS. There are brilliant solutions out there, but we do not have a structured way to centrally collect this content or even curate it.
  • Make it attractive for professional developers and consultants build their projects on top of MediaWiki. For example by increasing the visibility of highly used extensions on, by providing good entry points for technical documentation or by adding automated quality checks to the extensions.

There are already some initiatives pursuing the general goal of fostering an ecosystem, e.g. MediaWiki Stakeholders or the recently announced Enterprise MediaWiki Consortium. Together with the Foundation, they can encourage MediaWiki maintainers to contribute their ideas and code and be part of the MediaWiki world.

Kunal Mehta Code Review, Volunteer Developers Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community Supporting Third-Party Use of MediaWiki

We have well established that volunteers are the lifeblood of the Wikimedia movement. We prioritize their contributions and work to ensure they are given the tools they need to succeed. But in the Wikimedia development community, we've neglected volunteers instead of nurturing them - and this is a serious problem that we need to rectify. There are a lot of areas where we can improve, but I'm going to focus on just one: improving the volunteer developer's code review experience.

While Wikimedia Foundation product teams are building new things, it's usually the volunteers who are keeping critical tools that the community depends upon alive (AbuseFilter, CheckUser, etc.). The MediaWiki codebase has gotten so massive that it's not practical to try and have the Wikimedia Foundation attempt to maintain all of it. It would not be a good use of movement funds either. Instead, I'm proposing that we utilize our volunteer base and ensure they are the valued and respected members of the Wikimedia development community. I think we can do it in three steps: first, set reasonable standards for code and the review process, second, prioritize code review of patches coming from volunteers, and finally empower volunteers to be maintainers and owners of code and create a sustainable community.

1. Set Reasonable Standards for Code and the Review Process

The status quo is that depending on who reviews your code, you will have a wildly different experience. Some will mandate that principles like dependency injection are followed or others will require 100% test coverage. And others might not care for any of that and just ensure the code does what it is supposed to before merging. But the people who face the worst of it are volunteers - WMF staff will have consistent reviewers through teammates who already communicated standards for merging code.

So we need reasonable standards for code we accept, and use those throughout the review process. As an example of 'reasonable', if someone is trying to fix a bug in legacy code that is difficult to test, it would be unreasonable to mandate a test case before merging the fix.

2. Prioritize code review of patches coming from volunteers

Our current process of reviewing volunteers' patches after finishing code review for teammates isn't working - we have a giant pile of unreviewed patches. When you start your day and look through your list of reviews, pick one or two patches from a volunteer and review them first. Most likely it'll take minimal time, but for previously-neglected volunteers, it will make a big difference.

3. Empower volunteers to be maintainers and owners of code

Some of our volunteers have been around for quite a while and are well trusted. Let's give them +2 rights! There's nothing that makes you feel better than getting an email from someone telling you that your contributions are valued and they'd like to nominate you for +2 access (exactly how I got hooked). And quite a few years I'm still around, so it must have worked.

Birgit Müller Code Review, Collaboration, Communities, Documentation, Gadgets, Open Source, Refactoring, Tools Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community Evolving the MediaWiki Architecture

Refactoring the Open: First steps to get ready for the next level

Wikimedia's technical environment has grown into a very complex system throughout the past 15 years. Measured in internet years, parts of the software are ancient. When implementing a new feature, refactoring of a piece of the (extended) MediaWiki software is often required first. Following this principle of a.) refactoring and b.) implementation of something new, I suggest to start the discussion of the future technology direction by reflecting (and possibly: refactoring) the current Open Source practices and processes within the Wikimedia context.

A mono perspective won't let us survive (and is less fun, too)

When we talk about "Open Source" within Wikimedia we're not only talking about free licenses and open code repositories. We're talking about global collaboration and the technical contributions of many: Through this, we ensure that the Wikimedia projects stay alive and evolve, that we constantly develop new ideas, that multiple and diverse perspectives shape the development of our infrastructure and tools.

We are great in having ideas, and we are good in trying things out. But we still partly fail at prioritising the problems we know we have and address them accordingly.

I believe that we should

better maintain the Technical Community and find ways to grow by

  • allocating stable code review resources from paid staff for volunteer and 3rd party developers
  • improving the documentation of the code base
  • providing a single entry point that is easy accessible for interested developers
  • building up partnerships with Open Source communities we might share interests in the future with (for example, communities around audio, video or translation technologies)

constantly take diverse perspectives into account by

  • finding better ways to gather and address feedback from smaller language communities and non-Wikipedia sites
  • being less Wikipedia-centric when it comes to research: Not yet existing or emerging communities might not be interested in creating articles, but in contributing data or multimedia content or in building tools to reuse data and multimedia content

build more bridges across local wikis and increase knowledge of local requirements by

  • fostering cross-wiki exchange (example activity: template Hackathon)
  • increasing the knowledge of the requirements that come along with different languages (example activity: multilingual support conference)

Open Source doesn't mean anything is possible - does it?

We have established processes and regulations for contributions to MediaWiki itself. But we lack processes and practices for local developments to ensure both, the freedom and space to experiment for the Technical Community and the stability and reliability of tools for users.

I believe that we should e.g.

  • raise priority for implementing a code review process for JS/CSS pages on Wikimedia sites
  • start thinking about a technical sysop user right
  • make it clear which user scripts/gadgets/tools are maintained, which are stable and which are proofs of concept or prototypes (for example: provide a (central) 'store' of maintained gadgets/tools with different levels: "stable version", "experimental version" ...)

Let's start refactoring.

Moritz Schubotz Artificial Intelligence, Code Review, Testing, Volunteer Developers Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community

Title Developing software in a wiki way

Background Over the last 15 years, MediaWiki evolved from a simple PHP script to a complex and highly integrated family of products and services, serving knowledge to billions of humans. Every change might cause an instability or a complete failure of the system. Thus, measures including code review, automated unit testing and code/ product ownership, have been established to guarantee the stability of the software. The drawback of this approach is that improving the software became very challenging for volunteer contributors. This proposal seeks to lower the barriers for volunteer contributors while maintaining the stability of the system.

Advice (1) Reduce the effort of code review by applying Artificial Intelligence methods. Thus, reviewers can focus on non-formal comments. (2) Develop a dialog platform that ensures that volunteer contributors are aware of the next steps and the roadmap for their change on the way to production. (3) Establish a team that supports volunteer developers, who want to make a difference that is not listed in the annual plan by providing temporary code or product ownership. (4) Improve testing and evaluation to measure the effect of every single change and to identify code or even whole services that are no longer neccary and can be switched off.

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