
From devsummit

5 statements.

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Jan Dittrich Documentation, Gadgets, Infrastructure, JavaScript, Open Source, Research Evolving the MediaWiki Architecture Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

I believe that we need to achieve a better separation of concerns - in code as well as in work on product and our communication with the communities to reduce the dept we build up in these areas. Therefore, I want to suggest three interrelated topics:

  • Use of modern MVVM frameworks for our front end code, to develop more efficiently
  • Provision of a modern customization infrastructure, to decouple gadgets from our code
  • Participation beyond code and feature wishes
  1. Use of modern MVVM frameworks for our front end code

Traditionally, Mediawiki has been focused on PHP. Over the last years, more and more interactivity via JavaScript has been used. In connection with the significant growth of the JavaScript ecosystem this could have meant quicker development and a clearer separation of concerns. However, since our solutions are mostly used in MediaWiki context, involving external developers has been difficult and so has been onboarding developers in core teams.

I see a large opportunity in introducing modern MVVM libraries that are open source and not constrained to use in Wikimedia software and could build upon other's experiences as well as documentation - things that have been traditionally problematic in our isolated MediaWiki solutions.

Strong contenders are React and vue.js. While the react ecosystem is larger, I would recommend vue for its better documentation and clear compartmental structure which hopefully helps us to avoid further isolated solutions.

  1. Provision of a modern customization infrastructure

The introduction and larger use of a MVVM could also be a chance to provide clear frontend APIs for Gadgets. They currently use DOM-hacks, which break continuously and would not anyway not possible when using a modern frontend framework (due to DOM flushing).

Why should bother, since we have a large user base in which different tasks are shared using specific tools, just like each manual work has many different specialized, often even customized tools.

Additionally, gadgets/userscripts could provide a low-barrier opportunity to onboard new developers. Other organizations successfully show that user provided extensions can enhance an ecosystem with user driven innovation and help with onboarding developers, e.g. Firefox' and Chrome's WebExtensions as well as LibreOffice.

I would like to work on finding a way fulfil the possibilites of gadgets and extend them while providing sustainable and secure infrastructure for doing so.

  1. Participation beyond code and feature wishes

We already do extensive user research. A large area for expansion and further development is doing this research and sense making *with* the community. This may already be done, often implicitly, based on feature- or UI focused requests of community members. But this has large caveats: The solution may net be feasible or sustainable to implement. Furthermore, without understanding the underlying need, we risk building technical- and UX debt and give away the possibility of learning from our community.

To achieve an active, needs-based involvement of communities in design and research we could build on existing participatory design methods. They could be used and integrated in our research and product planning frameworks. Clearly integrating community in up front research could enable us to gather needed knowledge, have community participation and reach a better understanding between Wikimedia Foundation and communities as well as of the communities among each other. I want to define future participatory design strategies to be used on our way towards 2030.

Daniel Kinzler Architecture, Collaboration, Hosting, JavaScript, Mobile, Strategy Evolving the MediaWiki Architecture Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

I would like to discuss how assumptions drive our day to day work, and how to may sure we properly understand and regularly challenge these assumptions. I'm particularly interested in how technological assumptions shape product decisions, and how product assumptions shape technological decisions. Three major axioms come to mind:

MediaWiki needs to run in a shared hosting environment. This has been an explicit requirement for a long time now, but the baseline product that actually does run in such an environment (LAMP with no root access) is becoming more and more sub-par. We are already struggling to provide a decent mobile browsing experience there, not to mention search or WYSIWYG editing. So we should have a discussion about for how long we want to kep this requirement, what the consequences would be of dropping it, and what alternative platform we should target for the baseline installation of MediaWiki.

Editing has to work with old browsers and without JavaScript. It has long been an explicit requirement that no basic functionality, particularly editing, can require JavaScript to be enabled. However, this causes us to fall behind other sites further and further. With more and more sites requiring JS, it's becoming less and less clear to me that this requirement is still sensible. This is especially true in the light of many developing countries skipping straight from mostly-offline to mobile-only.

The primary medium for knowledge sharing is text. This assumption used to be hard-coded into MediaWiki until the introduction of ContentHandler, and it still seems to be hard coded in the minds of many long term contributors, to the software and to the wikis. I believe that it is high time to invest into exploring other media formats and alternative forms of collaboration. It seems to me like "Beyond Wikitext" is the major technological challenge that has come out of the movement strategy process, and that we should start thinking and talking about it - from the technological side as well as the product side.

Leszek Manicki JavaScript Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community Supporting Third-Party Use of MediaWiki

Dependency management for JavaScript packages

I believe we should be using a dependency management tool for JavaScript libraries in MediaWiki.

Currently there is no convenient way to manage JavaScript packages in MediaWiki, even though MediaWiki itself, as well as many extensions widely use them (both "own" JavaScript libraries and third-party libraries). Lack of such a solution in our infrastructure leads to numerous issues. Libraries are duplicated in our code bases, and there is a little control of what version of the package is used by different components. Updating dependencies becomes a complex and error-prone manual process. As each of our components include their dependencies separately, our users might be loading the same package multiple times.

Having a dependency management system for JavaScript packages would be beneficial in multiple areas. Developers would be able to easily control and maintain packages their software depends on. Deploying MediaWiki and extensions would become easier and more transparent with regard to JavaScript packages, both for WMF infrastructure and for non-WMF users of our software. With de-duplication of dependencies, users will be served smaller amount of bytes. Finally, once we have a convenient and standardized way of managing JavaScript packages, our software would be more interesting and welcoming for new developers coming from the dynamically growing JavaScript community.

We have addressed the similar problem for PHP libraries a while ago when we started to use Composer for PHP dependency management. We have been discussing solutions for JavaScript packages for a couple of years. Possible tools like npm, yarn, or even Composer, have been discussed, but we haven't come up with a plausible solution yet.

I hope the summit will be able to collect our requirements, re-evaluate the previous investigations we have made, collect new ideas, and will come up with a solution for JavaScript dependency management. I believe once we have it we will be walking into the future with confidence.

Thomas Pellissier Tanon Analytics, API, Collaboration, JavaScript, Lua, Mobile, Multimedia, Structured Data, User Experience, Wikibase, Wikidata Knowledge as a Service

Title: Content structuration and metadata are keys to fulfil our strategy

Content: The Wikimedia mouvement strategy is making a focus on serving more different kinds of knowledge and sharing them with allies and partners [1]. I believe that the most important ground work for reaching these goals is to focus on the outgoing project of moving MediaWiki from a "wikitext plus media file" collaboration system to a platform allowing people to be able to collaborate on many kind of contents and to organise them in a cohesive way.

Two axes seem important to me to pursue this goal: 1. Support a broader set of different contents, not just wikitext, Wikibase items and Lua/JavaScript/CSS contents but also images, sounds, movies, books, etc., that should bee editable just like wiki text pages in order to allow people to improve them in a collaborative way. 2. Build platforms and tools allowing contributors to create and clean metadata about these contents in order to build together the broadest cohesive set of knowledge ever available and increase its reusability.

Going in these directions would allow us to:

  • Allow sister projects (and possible new ones) to use relevant content structure for their projects instead of a designed-for-everything wiki markup. It should lead to an increase of their reusability and their user-friendliness, just like what the Structured Metadata on Commons project is aiming for.
  • Build powerful APIs to retrieve and edit content just like Wikidata has and so, make working with partners easier.
  • Increase the connections between our contents and their discovery using their metadata
  • Build better tasked-focused mobile viewing and edit interfaces
  • Be more ready for the possible new environment changes like voice-powered interfaces

Some examples of projects we could work on in order to move in this direction:

  • Use the multiple content revision facility to migrate progressively the data that could be structured out of Wikitext on all our projects (like the structured metadata on Commons project is aiming for files)
  • Federate all our structured content into a "Wikimedia Query Service" that would allow to do unified and powerful analytics and to ease the discoverability of all our contents
  • The logical granularity of Wikisource, Wikibooks and Wikiversity contents (and maybe other projects?) is not the wiki page but the set of wiki pages storing a book or a course. MediaWiki should be able to support such use cases by providing a "collection" system allowing us to add metadata and to do operations (renaming, add to watchlist) on sets of wiki pages.
  • Switch projects that stores fairly structured data in wiki text templates (like Wiktionary or Wikispecies) from a Wikitext storage to a structured one. Build on top of them user interfaces to edit their local contents (and maybe also the relevant data from Wikidata) and provide nice displays and APIs to make humans and machine both able to retrieve these contents.
  • ...


Brion Vibber API, Gadgets, JavaScript, Mobile, Security, Templates, Tools Evolving the MediaWiki Architecture

Infrastructure for Open: Safe code sharing in the Wikiverse

Wikipedia has always been a place where people build things, starting with MediaWiki itself... Talk pages were created out of formatting conventions manually followed. Templates and Lua modules grew out of users' need to automate common markup & text blocks. Gadgets came about to let users add new capabilities to their experience.

To scale our users' ability to work, we need to build modern infrastructure and APIs for on-wiki code: templates, gadgets, and custom workflows.

First, gadgets and templates need to be maintainable and sharable in a centralized place; copy-pasting doesn't scale. Integrate with "real developer" tools like git, so complex tools can be edited and archived off-wiki.

Second, they need to be safer and more future-proof. Template & module output is in wikitext, a fragile format; consider separating sanitized "true" templates from the data sources.

JS gadgets can access internal or deprecated APIs that may break ... or hijack a session as malware! We should create narrower APIs and run the gadgets in isolated JS contexts to provide fault isolation -- this would also enable using them in different contexts such as mobile apps, by implementing the same interfaces.

Third, we need to make content "smarter" by giving it the ability to run interactive scripts safely -- a mix of what templates/modules and what gadgets can do. This can be used to make animated widgets for article pages, but more importantly could be used to implement discussion & editing workflows to supplement what you can do with just a talk page and a set of conventions. At a minimum, think of what people do with Google Forms to guide input, and let folks do that on-wiki.

On-wiki tool-building is a "force multiplier" that lets people get more done by organizing themselves. Providing better tools for tool builders will lead to happier, more productive users working for our mission.

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