
From mcr
Page statistics
Content pages126
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files2
Edit statistics
Page edits since mcr was set up7,601
Average edits per page27.84
User statistics
Registered users (list of members)8
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
Bots (list of members)0
Administrators (list of members)2
Interface administrators (list of members)1
Bureaucrats (list of members)2
Suppressors (list of members)0
confirmed (list of members)0
Widget editors (list of members)0
Administrators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
Curators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
Editors (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
View statistics
Views total715,929
Views per edit94.19
Most viewed pages
Multi-Content Revisions Development37,722
Tasks by Project35,649
T186371: Redesign revision-related event schemas for MCR16,233
Tasks by Tag14,332
T191795: Support MCR in mobile11,979
Import Information11,921
T194429: Remove the need to generate ParserOutput before PageContentSave hook is called11,579
T198449: Rollback from autopatrolled user was marked as not patrolled9,865
T204732: Provide a way to restore an old revision with multiple slots.9,598
Semantic statistics
Property values (total)5,732
  -  Property values (improper annotations)0
Properties (total) 67
  -  Properties (used with at least one value)26
  -  Properties (registered with a page) 14
  -  Properties (assigned to a datatype)14
Entities (total) 2,216
  -  Outdated entities 1,394
  -  Subobjects0
  -  Concepts0
  -  Queries (embedded, total)386
    -  plainlist format188
    -  ul format188
    -  tagcloud format7