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Page statistics
Content pages10
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files3
Edit statistics
Page edits since notes was set up403
Average edits per page5.30
User statistics
Registered users (list of members)30
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
Bots (list of members)0
Administrators (list of members)2
Interface administrators (list of members)1
Bureaucrats (list of members)2
Suppressors (list of members)0
confirmed (list of members)0
Widget editors (list of members)0
Moderators (CommentStreams) (list of members)0
Administrators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
Curators (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
Editors (Semantic MediaWiki) (list of members)0
View statistics
Views total41,595
Views per edit103.21
Most viewed pages
To Do5,523
Main Page4,174
Open Gerrit Changes3,546
Installing Visual Editor and Parsoid3,414
List of Beautiful MediaWiki sites2,699
Querying Phabricator using Conduit2,423
Installing RESTBase1,470
Questions about auxiliary extension files1,280
Semantic statistics
Property values (total)443
  -  Property values (improper annotations)0
Properties (total) 52
  -  Properties (used with at least one value)26
  -  Properties (registered with a page) 5
  -  Properties (assigned to a datatype)5
Entities (total) 155
  -  Outdated entities 4
  -  Subobjects0
  -  Concepts0
  -  Queries (embedded, total)22
    -  plainlist format14
    -  count format6
    -  tagcloud format1