This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Active Task Workboard View by Initiative

From cpt

Initiative: API Gateway

Epics: Epic Backlog Green: Backlog Platform Engineering Reliability: Backlog Platform Engineering Reliability: Doing S&F Workboard: Backlog User Stories: Backlog BACKLOG
Phab.png T255034: Wikimedia API Gateway Long-term Use
Phab.png T260056: Add validation of Envoy configuration to deployment-charts Rakefile
Phab.png T265145: Client Developer reads Feed Availability Endpoint
Phab.png T254917: Implement API Gateway solution for deployment-prep
Phab.png T261462: Migrate away from wikimedia/oauth2-server fork to upstream
Phab.png T264095: Fail k8s config template render for api-gateway if some critical values are not defined
Phab.png T262546: api-gateway should ship logs to logstash
Phab.png T258934: Move ratelimiter to its own chart outside of the api-gateway
Phab.png T295956: Proposal: add a per-service rate limit setting to API Gateway
Phab.png T296288: API Gateway needs a dual logging solution
Phab.png T297222: Get insight into proxy time for Envoy
Phab.png T294445: API Gateway has missed its write latency SLO
Phab.png T265361: OAuth extension - get rid of isAllowed() deprecated method
Phab.png T265362: OAuth extension - update\add logic of userCanSeeSecret() method of Backend\ConsumerAcceptance class.
Phab.png T261902: Rename OAuth consumer management endpoints
Phab.png T246275: Client Developer get API usage data
Phab.png T246279: Client Developer gets rate limit notification
Phab.png T253887: Administrator limits number of client IDs per Client Developer
Phab.png T253777: Administrator defines connection limit
Phab.png T263727: Separate mediawiki latency metrics by endpoint
Phab.png T263489: AQS 2.0
Phab.png T284047: Allow retrieval of specific revision content in Page Source/Html Handlers
Phab.png T255370: Document best practices for user login if user is using 2FA
Phab.png T259724: Product Manager reads Active OAuth Client ID metrics
Phab.png T259178: Document process for client developers to request a higher rate limit
Phab.png T269156: Change how client credentials are handled in the rate limiter
Phab.png T254190: Allow a user to disable an OAuth client
Phab.png T253776: Administrator defines burst limit
Phab.png T259176: Display client rate limit in the API Portal
Phab.png T259722: Product Manager reads registered OAuth Client ID metrics
Phab.png T238852: Exceptions from MWOAuthSessionProvider are not being thrown for the REST API