This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

T194830: Refactor DifferenceEngine

From cpt
Phabricator Link T194830
Status open
Priority Needs Triage (violet)
Phabricator Task Created 2018/05/16 10:50 AM
Wiki Page Created 2019/06/09 01:18 PM
Phabricator Task Last Modified 2019/10/07 03:46 PM
Wiki Page Last Updated 2022/01/07 09:16 AM
Phabricator Task Closed
Authored By Tgr (Gergő Tisza)
Assigned To
Platform Engineering Initiative Column MCR
Platform Team Workboards Column
    Parent Tasks

    Column Transitions: (Added project: ⇑, Removed project: ⇓,Entered column: ⇒, Exited column: ⇐)

    Project Column Date
    Multi-Content-Revisions 16 May 2018
    Technical-Debt 16 May 2018
    Gamepress 30 June 2018
    New-Editor-Experiences 30 June 2018
    Tools (Hashtags) 30 June 2018
    Mail 30 June 2018
    CheckUser 30 June 2018
    Jade 30 June 2018
    Connected-Open-Heritage-Batch-uploads (RAÄ-KMB_1_2017-02) 30 June 2018
    KartoEditor 30 June 2018
    TCB-Team (now WMDE-TechWish) 30 June 2018
    Tamil-Sites 30 June 2018
    Language-2018-Apr-June 30 June 2018
    New-Editor-Experiences 2 July 2018
    Tamil-Sites 2 July 2018
    Tools (Hashtags) 2 July 2018
    Language-2018-Apr-June 2 July 2018
    CheckUser 2 July 2018
    Connected-Open-Heritage-Batch-uploads (RAÄ-KMB_1_2017-02) 2 July 2018
    KartoEditor 2 July 2018
    TCB-Team (now WMDE-TechWish) 2 July 2018
    Jade 2 July 2018
    Mail 2 July 2018
    Gamepress 2 July 2018
    Platform Team Legacy (Later) 3 October 2018
    Platform Engineering (MCR) 3 October 2018
    Multi-Content-Revisions Inbox 3 October 2018
    Multi-Content-Revisions Later 3 October 2018
    Platform Engineering MCR 3 October 2018
    Platform Engineering MCR 3 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
    Multi-Content-Revisions 4 October 2018
    Multi-Content-Revisions Later 4 October 2018
    Multi-Content-Revisions Tech Debt 4 October 2018
    Multi-Content-Revisions (Tech Debt) 4 October 2018
    Platform Team Legacy (Later) 5 July 2019
    Platform Team Legacy Later 5 July 2019
    Platform Team Legacy Mop Column 5 July 2019
    Platform Engineering (MCR) 26 July 2019
    Platform Engineering MCR 26 July 2019
    Platform Engineering mop 26 July 2019
    Platform Team Initiatives (MCR) 26 July 2019
    Librarization 10 August 2019
    Librarization Untriaged 7 October 2019
    Librarization To Do 7 October 2019