This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

T195069: Factor PageStore and PageRecord out of WikiPage

From cpt
Phabricator Link T195069
Status open
Priority Medium (orange)
Points 1
Phabricator Task Created 2018/05/19 10:24 AM
Wiki Page Created 2019/06/09 01:20 PM
Phabricator Task Last Modified 2021/09/09 04:05 PM
Wiki Page Last Updated 2022/01/07 08:44 AM
Phabricator Task Closed
Authored By daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
Assigned To
Platform Engineering Initiative Column
Platform Team Workboards Column MW Expedition: Doing
Parent Tasks

Column Transitions: (Added project: ⇑, Removed project: ⇓,Entered column: ⇒, Exited column: ⇐)

Project Column Date
Multi-Content-Revisions 19 May 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions 30 May 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC Storage Layer - phase 1) 30 May 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC Storage Layer - phase 1) 15 June 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) 15 June 2018
Jade 30 June 2018
Connected-Open-Heritage-Batch-uploads (RAÄ-KMB_1_2017-02) 30 June 2018
KartoEditor 30 June 2018
Tamil-Sites 30 June 2018
Language-2018-Apr-June 30 June 2018
Gamepress 30 June 2018
New-Editor-Experiences 30 June 2018
TCB-Team (now WMDE-TechWish) 30 June 2018
Tools (Hashtags) 30 June 2018
Mail 30 June 2018
CheckUser 30 June 2018
New-Editor-Experiences 1 July 2018
Tamil-Sites 1 July 2018
Tools (Hashtags) 1 July 2018
Language-2018-Apr-June 1 July 2018
CheckUser 1 July 2018
Connected-Open-Heritage-Batch-uploads (RAÄ-KMB_1_2017-02) 1 July 2018
KartoEditor 1 July 2018
TCB-Team (now WMDE-TechWish) 1 July 2018
Jade 1 July 2018
Mail 1 July 2018
Gamepress 1 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) Backlog 9 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) Ready 9 July 2018
Patch-For-Review 10 July 2018
Patch-For-Review 11 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) Ready 13 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) Ready 13 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) Ready 13 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) Ready 13 July 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) 1 August 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions 1 August 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions Inbox 18 September 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions Inbox 18 September 2018
Platform Engineering (MCR) 3 October 2018
Platform Team Legacy (Later) 3 October 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions Inbox 3 October 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions Later 3 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR 3 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR 3 October 2018
Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
Platform Team Legacy Later 3 October 2018
Platform Engineering (MCR) 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR: New Features 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering (MCR: New Features) 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR: New Features 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR: New Features 4 October 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions 4 October 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions Later 4 October 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions New Features 4 October 2018
Multi-Content-Revisions (New Features) 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering (MCR: New Features) 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR: New Features 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering MCR 4 October 2018
Platform Engineering (MCR) 4 October 2018
Platform Team Legacy (Later) 5 July 2019
Platform Team Legacy Later 5 July 2019
Platform Team Legacy Mop Column 5 July 2019
Platform Engineering (MCR) 26 July 2019
Platform Engineering MCR 26 July 2019
Platform Engineering mop 26 July 2019
Platform Team Initiatives (MCR) 26 July 2019
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) 17 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) Later 17 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) Next 17 March 2020
Platform Team Initiatives MCR 19 March 2020
Platform Team Initiatives MCR 19 March 2020
Platform Team Initiatives MCR 19 March 2020
Platform Team Initiatives MCR 19 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) Next 24 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) Later 24 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) Later 24 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) Later 24 March 2020
Platform Team Workboards (Initiatives) 24 March 2020
Platform Team Initiatives MCR 24 March 2020
Platform Team Initiatives MCR 24 March 2020
Code-Health-Objective 7 January 2021
Platform Engineering Roadmap 7 January 2021
Platform Engineering Roadmap Later (future inbox) 7 January 2021
Platform Engineering Roadmap Next 7 January 2021
Patch-For-Review 18 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) 19 January 2021
Epic 19 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) Unsorted pile 19 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) PageStore pile 19 January 2021
Platform Team Initiatives (MCR) 20 January 2021
Multi-Content-Revisions (New Features) 20 January 2021
MediaWiki-Revision-backend 20 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) PageStore pile 21 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) PageStore pile 21 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) PageStore pile 29 January 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) PageStore pile 29 January 2021
Platform Engineering Roadmap Next 1 February 2021
Platform Engineering Roadmap Develop (Now) 1 February 2021
Platform Engineering Roadmap 1 February 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) PageStore pile 10 February 2021
Platform Team Workboards (MW Expedition) Doing 10 February 2021
MW-1.36-notes (1.36.0-wmf.37; 2021-03-30) 23 March 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.21; 2021-08-30) 25 August 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.21; 2021-08-30) 25 August 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.20; 2021-08-23) 25 August 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.20; 2021-08-23) 26 August 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.21; 2021-08-30) 26 August 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.21; 2021-08-30) 26 August 2021
MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.20; 2021-08-23) 26 August 2021