Property:PET Column
From cpt
This is a property of type Text.
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Team 2: Backlog +
T209804: Can't create election: SecurePollContentHandler::makeContentFromElection() must be an instance of SecurePoll_Election, bool given +
Clinic Duty Team: Done +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
T210732: wiktionary: /rpc/RunSingleJob.php CannotCreateActorException from line 2540 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.33.0-wmf.6/includes/user/User.php: Cannot create an actor for a usable name that is not an existing user +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +