Property:PET Column
From cpt
This is a property of type Text.
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Done with CPT +
Clinic Duty Team: Later +
T216656: API problem with usercontribs using `rev_user_text` rather than `rev_user`: Only use 'contributions' replica if querying by user ID +
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T216664: MWException when viewing or comparing certain pages with Preprocessor_DOM (PHP7 beta feature) +
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T217382: APIEditPage -> ApiBase->checkTitleUserPermissions PHP Warning: Invalid operand type was used: Invalid type used as key +
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Done with CPT +
Clinic Duty Team: Backlog +
T217725: Selected response type in REST BASE page does not match the info sent in request, resulting in 406 error +
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Clinic Duty Team: External Code Review Completed +