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Active Tasks By Project

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Project: MediaWiki-extensions-SecurePoll

Switch to All Tasks 23 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T118073 T118073: SecurePoll option to not allow voters to have ties in their order of preferences open Needs Triage (violet) 4nn1l2
    T145415 T145415: Removing admins in SecurePoll sometimes has unintended effects open Needs Triage (violet) Huji (Huji Lee)
      T145477 T145477: Ballot type and voting system should be separated open Needs Triage (violet) Huji (Huji Lee)
        T147875 T147875: SecurePoll should comply with strict mode open Needs Triage (violet) Huji (Huji Lee)
        T152972 T152972: Accessing private information through SecurePoll should be logged open Needs Triage (violet) Huji (Huji Lee)
        T190087 T190087: PopulateVoterListJob isn't submitted, and fails if it is open Needs Triage (violet) Anomie
          T204193 T204193: SecurePoll auth-api.php needs to be rewritten to be a normal api module open Needs Triage (violet) Bawolff (Brian Wolff)
            T209919 T209919: SecurePoll should not have HTML shown in the radio button tooltips open Needs Triage (violet) JJMC89
              T237099 T237099: Limit the number of times a user can vote open Needs Triage (violet) Huji (Huji Lee)
                T239040 T239040: Add eligibility checker to securepoll open Needs Triage (violet) Xaosflux (Xaos Flux)
                  T264476 T264476: SecurePollContentHandler::getActionOverrides results in broken links open Medium (orange) DannyS712
                    T264479 T264479: Special:SecurePoll/edit doesn't always load existing custom message labels open Medium (orange) DannyS712 tstarling (Tim Starling)
                      T266385 T266385: Eligible voter list should be shown in read-only fashion to non-election admins open Medium (orange) Huji (Huji Lee)
                        T267482 T267482: Add a "release votes" feature for SecurePoll vote dumps open Medium (orange) Huji (Huji Lee)
                          T268572 T268572: Convert SecurePoll to AbstractSchema open Medium (orange) Reedy (Sam Reed) STran (STran)
                          T272966 T272966: Migrate SecurePoll tables that need schema changes to AbstractSchema open Needs Triage (violet) STran (STran)
                            T283280 T283280: Special:SecurePoll makes primary database connections on GET requests when getting UI messages or checking for election admins open Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders
                              T289188 T289188: SecurePoll: PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 249 bytes open Low (yellow) brennen (Brennen Bearnes)
                                T289220 T289220: SecurePoll content area needs lang/dir attributes open Needs Triage (violet) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                  T70174 T70174: securepoll-votereligibility-list-* messages should be documented in comments open Low (yellow) Amire80 (Amir E. Aharoni)
                                    T74449 T74449: SecurePoll: [[Special:SecurePoll]] should include a link to the history for each poll open Needs Triage (violet) Deskana (Dan Garry)
                                      T78366 T78366: Not all old votes being marked as old open High (red) Jalexander (James Alexander)
                                        T99770 T99770: Security token mismatch error open Needs Triage (violet) Varnent (Gregory Varnum)

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