Machine Learning

From devsummit

6 statements.

Author Tags Primary Session Secondary Sessions Position Statement
C. Scott Ananian Censorship, Infrastructure, Languages, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Translation, User Experience Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration Advancing the Contributor Experience

'One World, One Wiki!' Instead of today's many siloed wikis, separated by language and project, our goal should be to re-establish a unified community of collaborators. We will still respect language and cultural differences - there will still be English, German, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. Wikipedias; they will disagree at times - but instead of separate domains, we'll embrace a single user experience with integrated navigation between projects and languages and the possibility of split screen views aligning related content. On a single page we can work on articles in different languages, or simultaneously edit textbook content and encyclopedia articles. Via machine translation we can facilitate conversations and collaborations spanning languages and projects, without forcing a single culture or perspective.

Machine translation plays a key role in removing these barriers and enabling new content and collaborators. We should invest in our own engineers and infrastructure supporting machine translation, especially between minority languages and script variants. Our editing community will continually improve our training data and translation engines, both by explicitly authoring parallel texts (as with the Content Translation Tool) and by micro-contributions such as clicking yes/no on a proposed translation or pair of parallel texts ('bandit learning'). Using 'zero-shot translation' models, our training data from 'big' wikis can improve the translation of 'small' wikis. Every contribution further improves the ability of our tools to make additional articles from other languages available.

A translation suggestion tool will suggest an edit in one language whenever an edit is made to a parallel text in another language. The correspondences can be manually created (for example, via the Content Translation Tool), but our translation engine can also automatically search for and score potential new correspondences, or prune old entries when the translation has drifted. Again, each new correspondence trains the engine and improves its ability to suggest further correspondences and edits.

Red-links and stubs are replaced with article text from one of the user's preferred fallback languages, perhaps split-screened with a machine translation into the user's primary language. This will keep 'small' language wikis sticky, and prevent readers from getting into the habit of searching in a 'big' language first.

We should build clusters specifically for training translation (and other) deep learning models. As a supplement to our relationships with statistical translation tools Moses and Apertium, we should partner with the OpenNMT project for modern neural machine translation research. We should investigate whether machine translation can replace LanguageConverter, our script conversion tool; conversely, our editing fluency in ANY language pair should approach what LanguageConverter provides for its supported languages.

By embracing unity between projects and erasing barriers between languages, we encourage the flow of diverse content from minority languages around the world into all of our wikis, as well as improving the availability of all of our content into indigenous languages. Language tools route around cultural or governmental censorship: by putting parallel texts and translations in the forefront of our UX we expose our differences and challenge preconceptions, learning from each other.

Adam Baso Machine Learning, Mobile,, Structured Data, Templates, Wikibase, Wikidata Knowledge as a Service Advancing the Contributor Experience, Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

Structure Most Things with

The future of digital information will likely be brokered by major platform providers such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and international equivalents and social networks. We're thankful they extend our reach, even as we seek to help consumers on the platforms join our movement.

We could help platform providers, their users, and our users solve problems better through adoption of the open standard into Wikipedia pages mapped with templates and, ideally, federated and synchronized Wikidata properties.


  1. Wikipedia will have even better presentation and placement in search engines and other data rich experiences.
  2. We provide an opportunity for a more consistent data model for template authors and people/bots filling template values. And the richly defined entities provide a good target to reach on all entities represented in the Wikipedia/Wikimedia corpora. Standardization can reduce duplication of effort and inconsistencies.
  3. We introduce an easier vector for mobile contribution, which could include simpler and different data entry, mapping, and modeling.
  4. We can elevate an open standard and push its adoption forward while increasing the movement's standing in the open standards community.
  5. compliant data is more easily amenable to machine learning models that cover data structures, the relations between entities, and the dynamics of sociotechnical systems. This could bolster practical applications like vandalism detection, coverage analysis, and much more.
  6. This might provide a means for the education sector to educate students about knowledge creation, and data modeling, and more. It might also afford scientists and other practitioners a further standardized way to model the knowledge in their fields.

What would it take? And can this be done in harmony with the existing {{Template}} system?

This session will discuss the following:

  1. Are we aligned on the benefits, and which ones?
  2. Implementation options.
    1. Can we extend templates so they could be mapped to
      1. Would it be okay to derive the mapping by manual and automated analysis at WMF/WMDE and apply it behind the scenes? Would that be sustainable?
      2. Could we make it easy for template authors to mark up their templates for compatibility and have some level of enforcement? Could attributes and entity types be autosuggested for template creators?
    2. Is it easy to relate the most existing and proposed Wikidata entity types and properties to existing entities and properties?
    3. What would it take to streamline MCR data structures or MCR Wikibase property clusters mapped to on defined entity types?
    4. Furthermore, if we can do #1 and #2, what's to prevent us from letting templates as is merely be the interface for compliant Wikibase entities and properties (e.g., by duck typing / autosynthesis)?
    5. How could we bidirectionally synchronized between Wikipedia and Wikidata with confidence in a way compatible with patroller expectations? And what storage and event processing would be needed? Can the systems be scaled in a way to accommodate arrival of real-time and increasingly fine grained information?
Erik Bernhardson Analytics, Collaboration, Machine Learning, Open Source, Privacy, Structured Data Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

Title: Empowering Editors with Machine Learning

Background: Advances in machine learning, powered by open source libraries, is becoming the foundational backbone of technology organizations the world over. Many tedious, time consuming, tasks that previously required 100% human involvement can now be augmented with human in the loop machine learning to empower editors to get more done with the limited time they have available to contribute to the sum of all human knowledge.

Advice: 1) Invest directly in applying known quantity machine learning, such as pre-trained ImageNet classifiers, to add structured data to our multimedia repositories to increase their discoverability. Perhaps via tools that provide editors with lists of appropriate items that they can easily click to add if appropriate to the multimedia.

2) Engage academia to work with Wikimedia data sets and employ developers to move the most promising results from research into production. There is already a significant amount of work being done in academia to test and evaluate machine learning with our data sets, but little to none of that work ever makes it back into Wikimedia sites. With more focus on collaboration we can encourage research that is specifically applicable to deployment goals.

3)Wikimedia has the ability to collect significant amounts of implicit user data via browsing sessions, searches, watchlists, editing histories, etc. that can be used for machine learning purposes. We need to be continuously thoughtful of the privacy implications of how we use this data.

Lucie-Aimée Kaffee Languages, Machine Learning, Translation, Wikidata Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

Languages in the world of Wikimedia

One of the central topics of Wikimedia's world is languages. Currently, we cover around 290 languages in most projects, more or less well covered. In theory, all information in Wikipedia can be replicated and connected, so that different culture's knowledge is interlinked and accessible no matter which language you speak. In reality however, this can be tricky. The authors of [1] show, that even English Wikipedia's content is in big parts not represented in other languages, even in other big Wikipedias. And the other way around: The content in underserved languages is often not covered in English Wikipedia. A possible solution is translation by the community as done with the content translation tool [2]. Nevertheless, that means translation of all language articles into all other languages, which is an effort that's never ending and especially for small language communities barely feasible. And it's not only all about Wikipedia- the other Wikimedia projects will need a similar effort! Another approach for a better coverage of languages in Wikipedia is the ArticlePlaceholder [3]. Using Wikidata's inherently multi- and cross-lingual structure, AP displays data in a readable format on Wikipedias, in their language. However, even Wikipedia has a lack of support for languages as we were able to show in [4]. The question is therefore, how can we get more multilingual data into Wikidata, using the tools and resources we already have, and eventually how to reuse Wikidata's data on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in order to support under-resourced language communities and enable them to access information in their language easier. Accessible content in a language will eventually also mean they are encouraged to contribute to the knowledge. Currently, we investigate machine learning tools in order to support the display of data and the gathering of new multilingual labels for information in Wikidata. It can be assumed, that over the coming years, language accessibility will be one of the key topics for Wikimedia and its projects and it is therefore important to already invest in the topic and enable an exchange about it.

[1] Hecht, B., & Gergle, D. (2010, April). The tower of Babel meets web 2.0: user-generated content and its applications in a multilingual context. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 291-300). ACM. [2] [3] [4]

Keerthana S Contributors, Machine Learning Advancing the Contributor Experience Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

Breaking the ice and catering to the could be Student Wikipedia contributors

Most of the valuable contributors especially in technically advanced articles comes from people in academia. So my paper is going to discuss why it can be valuable to expose University students about contributing to Wikipedia and give enough guidance for them to stick around, existing infrastructure that helps this cause and some points on how this can improve. As the infrastructure of mediawiki evolves and becomes a platform where beginners to Open Source find it easy to contribute to the project with a really well documented code base, a friendly community and the many outreach programs we should also think about introducing to the University Students about contributing to WIkipedia.

Wikipedia serves as an invaluable tool for students worldwide helping them to assimilate their course content. They write term papers as a part of their course work so it only makes sense that giving an awareness to students about contributing wikipedia and giving them guidance can be a source of reliable and high quality contributions to Wikipedia.

Existing Infrastructure

WikiEduDashboard which is a project of the WikiEducation Foundation caters to universities where students are required to contribute to Wikipedia articles as part of their course assessment and provides tools for the instructors to guide the students in it.

Machine Learning tools for Guidance

There are existing automatic mechanisms in wikipedia to find out plagiarism/promotional content or any form of spam in the edits. Automatically rating wikipedia articles is to an extent achieved by the Scoring Platform Team. This is being utilised by many bots in wikipedia to spot potential vandalism. This score prediction tool can also be used to give some immediate feedback to the newbie editors in a more friendly manner and point out to the faux paus in their edits.

Amir Sarabadani Machine Learning Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning

Machine learning and scaling the knowledge

There are lots of ways to contribute to Wikimedia movement and all are tedious and time-consuming, and sometimes frustrating. Let's use the classic example of fighting vandalism, Wikimedians are frustrated by flow of vandalism but at the same time they enjoy fighting it. By using scalable machine learning platform for Wikis we are moving towards giving more power to our users without making them tired of the work needed. To come back to our example, ORES is filtering out most good edits, leaving the rest to the community to take care of (so they enjoy the gratification of doing the job) at the same time handling the huge backlog of edits needing review. But if we use a bot to revert bad edits, it damages the motivation of the users. We need to continue moving at this direction in other areas like creating articles, improving quality, categorization, and so on.

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