Machine Translation

From devsummit

5 statements.

Author Tags Primary Session Secondary Sessions Position Statement
C. Scott Ananian Censorship, Infrastructure, Languages, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Translation, User Experience Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration Advancing the Contributor Experience

'One World, One Wiki!' Instead of today's many siloed wikis, separated by language and project, our goal should be to re-establish a unified community of collaborators. We will still respect language and cultural differences - there will still be English, German, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. Wikipedias; they will disagree at times - but instead of separate domains, we'll embrace a single user experience with integrated navigation between projects and languages and the possibility of split screen views aligning related content. On a single page we can work on articles in different languages, or simultaneously edit textbook content and encyclopedia articles. Via machine translation we can facilitate conversations and collaborations spanning languages and projects, without forcing a single culture or perspective.

Machine translation plays a key role in removing these barriers and enabling new content and collaborators. We should invest in our own engineers and infrastructure supporting machine translation, especially between minority languages and script variants. Our editing community will continually improve our training data and translation engines, both by explicitly authoring parallel texts (as with the Content Translation Tool) and by micro-contributions such as clicking yes/no on a proposed translation or pair of parallel texts ('bandit learning'). Using 'zero-shot translation' models, our training data from 'big' wikis can improve the translation of 'small' wikis. Every contribution further improves the ability of our tools to make additional articles from other languages available.

A translation suggestion tool will suggest an edit in one language whenever an edit is made to a parallel text in another language. The correspondences can be manually created (for example, via the Content Translation Tool), but our translation engine can also automatically search for and score potential new correspondences, or prune old entries when the translation has drifted. Again, each new correspondence trains the engine and improves its ability to suggest further correspondences and edits.

Red-links and stubs are replaced with article text from one of the user's preferred fallback languages, perhaps split-screened with a machine translation into the user's primary language. This will keep 'small' language wikis sticky, and prevent readers from getting into the habit of searching in a 'big' language first.

We should build clusters specifically for training translation (and other) deep learning models. As a supplement to our relationships with statistical translation tools Moses and Apertium, we should partner with the OpenNMT project for modern neural machine translation research. We should investigate whether machine translation can replace LanguageConverter, our script conversion tool; conversely, our editing fluency in ANY language pair should approach what LanguageConverter provides for its supported languages.

By embracing unity between projects and erasing barriers between languages, we encourage the flow of diverse content from minority languages around the world into all of our wikis, as well as improving the availability of all of our content into indigenous languages. Language tools route around cultural or governmental censorship: by putting parallel texts and translations in the forefront of our UX we expose our differences and challenge preconceptions, learning from each other.

Trey Jones Languages, Machine Translation Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration

My purpose in attending the Dev Summit is to enjoy the benefit of collaborating in person with others who are passionate about technology that brings information to the world in a variety of languages.

When I imagine a world where everyone really can share in all knowledge, I don't imagine all of them doing so in their native language. The most important foundation for language technologies that will reach as many people as possible is informed realism-with insights from both linguistics and computer science.

  • The most common estimate of the number of languages is 6,000. An unfortunate number are critically endangered, with only dozens of speakers; 50-90% of them will have no speakers by the end of the century.

Providing knowledge to *everyone* in their own language is unrealistic. We should always seek to support any community working to document, revive, or strengthen a language, but expecting to create and curate extensive knowledge repositories in a language with barely half a dozen octogenarian speakers whose grandchildren have no interest in the language is more fantasy than goal.

  • Statistical machine translation has eclipsed rule-based machine translation for unpaid, casual internet use and building it doesn't require linguists or even speakers. But it does require data, in the form of large parallel corpora, which simply aren't available for most languages.

Even providing knowledge in translation is impractical for most of the world's languages.

  • English speakers are notoriously monolingual, but in many places multilingualism is the norm, with people speaking a home language and a major world language.

A useful planning tool would be an assessment of the most commonly spoken languages among people whose preferred language does not have an extensive Wikipedia. Whether building on the model of Simple English or increasing the readability of the larger Wikipedias, we can bring more knowledge to more people though Hindi/Urdu, Indonesian, Mandarin, French, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili-all of which boast on the order of 100 million non-native speakers or more-than by trying to create a thousand Wikipedias for less commonly spoken languages.

  • English is particularly suited to simple computational processing-a fact often lost on English speakers; it uses few characters, has few inflections, and words are conveniently separated.

Navigating copious amounts of knowledge requires search. The simplest form of search just barely works for English, but often fails in Spanish (with dozens of verb forms), Finnish (with thousands of noun forms), Chinese (without spaces), and most other languages. Fortunately, for major world languages we have software that can overcome this by regularizing words for indexing and search.

Again, none of this is to say that we should ever stop or even slow our efforts where there is a passionate language community-or even one passionate individual-working to build knowledge repositories or language-enabling software. But we must be realistic about what it takes to reach the majority of people in a language they understand.

Niklas Laxström Machine Translation, Translation Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration

Translation as a way to grow and connect our communities

The Wikimedia movement depends a lot on translation, but I believe we are not currently using the full potential of it. This affects us in many ways - most importantly: - language barriers isolate communities - but we all need to work together, - our content is not accessible to every human, - our movement is massively multilingual, but not the forerunner in using translation and other language technology.

We should improve our translation tools and leverage machine translation in a sustainable way. Translation should be a core part of our infrastructure and integrate into our projects seamlessly. It will help our communities to grow, as demonstrated by the Content Translation tool. I suggest three focus areas.

  1. 1 Find partners to build high quality open-source machine translation

Our projects run on free software. Currently, we depend a lot on proprietary data-driven (statistical) machine translation. For translation to be an essential part of our infrastructure, then this is neither sustainable nor acceptable. We already use expert-driven (rule-based) open-source machine translation software, e.g. Apertium, which provides some high quality language pairs. However, the proprietary services cover a lot more language pairs, albeit with lower quality. Building machine translation engines is hard work, therefore we should find partners to pursue both data-driven and expert-driven engines. The impact of this could be big and extend beyond our movement.

  1. 2 Bring translation everywhere

We already have good translation tools, but we need to move beyond user interface and Wikipedia pages. We should integrate translation tools into our discussion systems to support multilingual discussions as well as to understand discussions in foreign languages. This should be combined with summarizing tools.

We have a lot of (structured) content that can be translated but doesn't have a proper tooling for translation, e.g. Wikidata and Commons image description, labels in SVG files. We should adapt and integrate our existing translation tools to support these types of content.

We should also make language selection available to all users, including those not logged-in in our multilingual projects, such as Wikidata, to show the translations.

  1. 3 Improve our translation tools

Our translation tools have serious issues that result in slower translations or not being translated at all.

Our translation memory is not working well. It often fails to suggest good matches. This is apparent when translating the Weekly Tech News. Translators' time is wasted when they need to re-translate (introducing inconsistencies) or searching previous translation manually. Without improvement our translation memory is not suitable for use in Content Translation either.

When translating documentation pages, announcements, etc. using the Translate extension, a significant amount of extra markup is added to the wikitext. Editors find this markup inconvenient and justifiably resist using this tool. This feature should be improved so that it works with Visual Editor and doesn't require additional mark-up in the wikitext.

Santhosh Thottingal Languages, Machine Translation, Open Source, Technical Debt, Volunteer Developers Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration

Mediawiki is one of the rare software system where the i18n is done right. This infrastructure need timely improvement and maintenance. The technology and resources for supporting that technology is important as 2017 movement strategy states: 'We will build the technical infrastructures that enable us to collect free knowledge in all forms and languages.'. But most of these infrastructure is running under volunteer capacity and no official team responsible.

1. Opensource strategy - Mediawiki language technology is isolated and a less known in general opensource ecosystem. There is a need to have proper ownership, maintenance and feature enhancements as good open source project, so that our contributions comes from other multi lingual projects, while we help with our expertise.

   (a) Our localization file formats and the libraries on top of them are very advanced and supports languages more than any other system. But it was when the libraries made mediawiki independent, other projects started noticing it. We use that independent library(jquery.i18n) for VE, ULS, OOJS-UI and present in mediawiki core. But it is not actively maintained, issues and pull requests not addressed because there is nobody in foundation now in charge of it, except volunteer time. There is a lot of demand for its non jquery, general purpose js library. Code is aged, tech debt is increasing. 
    (b) We developed one of the largest repository of input methods(100+ languages) to support inputting in various languages and an input method library. This is a critical piece of software for many small wikis - jquery.ime. The code is aged, not actively maintained by anybody from foundation, except some in their volunteer time. Not updated to take advantage of browser technology updates about IMEs. This is a mediawiki independent open source library.
    (c) Universal Language selector - a language selection, switching mechanism for our large list of languages, also delivering input methods, fonts, need ownership and tech debt removal. Navigating between different wikis is done using this and now the team authored this system does not exist.This is a also mediawiki independent open source library. VE, Translate, ContentTranslation, Wikidata depends on this library.
      (d) Mediawiki core i18n features(php) are also started showing its age. There were plans to make some of them as standalone opensource libraries. Not happened. Nobody officially responsible for this infrastructure too.

2. The Translate extension - helping to have mediawiki interface available in 300 languages - something that we always proud of - is not officially maintained by foundation now. The localization happens because of volunteers and volunteer maintaining Translate extension code. Moreover, the, which hosts the Translate where localization happens by volunteers also outside foundation infrastructure.

3. It is time to have machine translation infrastructure within wikimedia. Content translation used machine translation - but that is an isolated product. Translation of content can be used in various contexts for readers. CX tries to provide a service api for MT, There are lot of potential for that. Multiple MT services, even proprietary services might be needed to cover all the languages. At the same time, our content and translations are important for training new opensource MT engines.

4. Wikipedia follows very traditional approach for typography and layout. Language team had limited webfont delivery to aim missing font issue, but too old code not got any updates in last 3 years or so. Language team plans to abandon that feature due to maintenance burden, but not happened and no team now owns it. Other than this a few wikis does common.css hacks to have customization of default fonts. Typography refresh attempt from reading team was for Latin. Every script has its own characteristics about font size, preferred font family sequences, line heights etc. Presenting knowledge in all these language wikis, in 2017 or later need serious thoughts about readability, typography and general aesthetic of wikipedia in a language compared to other websites in that language.

Mingli Yuan Machine Translation Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration

Embracing a new era with only small language obstacles

Recent progress on neural machine translation gives us better translation results. The industry invests huge amounts of money in this area for a promising future. For the first time people can communicate with only small language obstacles. We should be prepared for this near future by evaluating our position and understanding the impact. Also we should seek new opportunities, and contribute to the trend.

Advice: (1) Cooperate with the industry to enhance our translation infrastructure (2) Continuously release our translation data as an open corpus (3) Evaluate the impact. For example, probably very radical, how about setting up one unified Wikipedia in the future?

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