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T6547: Support crosswiki template inclusion (transclusion => interwiki templates, etc.)

From cpt
Phabricator Link T6547
Status open
Priority Low (yellow)
Phabricator Task Created 2006/01/09 08:27 PM
Wiki Page Created 2019/06/09 01:29 PM
Phabricator Task Last Modified 2021/07/08 07:05 AM
Wiki Page Last Updated 2021/07/08 08:22 AM
Phabricator Task Closed
Authored By bzimport (bugzilla import bot)
Assigned To
Platform Engineering Initiative Column
Platform Team Workboards Column
Parent Tasks

Column Transitions: (Added project: ⇑, Removed project: ⇓,Entered column: ⇒, Exited column: ⇐)

Project Column Date
Developer-Advocacy To triage 10 November 2017
Developer-Advocacy Team radar 10 November 2017
Developer-Advocacy 22 March 2019
Crosswiki Backlog 13 September 2019
Crosswiki Transclusions 13 September 2019
Performance Issue 5 June 2020