This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: kostajh (Kosta Harlan)

Switch to Active Tasks 9 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T154719 T154719: PageTriage opens master connection on GET for ArticleMetadata cache misses resolved Needs Triage (violet) Catrope (Roan Kattouw) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
    T206583 T206583: Flow\Tests\Import\TalkpageImportOperationTest::testImportDoesntCompletelyFail fails on PHP 7.2 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Reedy (Sam Reed) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
      T219592 T219592: Frequent Echo DB_MASTER write queries on HTTP GET open Medium (orange) aaron (Aaron Schulz) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
        T224607 T224607: CentralAuth, MassMessage and WikibaseLexeme build failures resolved High (red) kostajh (Kosta Harlan) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
          T225901 T225901: Don't deduplicate archive table on new installs resolved Medium (orange) kostajh (Kosta Harlan) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
            T229078 T229078: Preparing Flow for Parsoid-PHP switch resolved High (red) ssastry (Subramanya Sastry) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
              T246547 T246547: Warning: file_put_contents(/en.l10n.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/includes/cache/localisation/LCStoreStaticArray.php on line 123 resolved Needs Triage (violet) kostajh (Kosta Harlan) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
                T267273 T267273: [arwiki] Submitting a POST on a form redirected to immediately after account creation sometimes logs user out open High (red) Etonkovidova (Elena) kostajh (Kosta Harlan)
                  T30705 T30705: URL Normalization for diff link on history, watchlist, contributions, recent changes and diff page declined Low (yellow) Frozen-mikan kostajh (Kosta Harlan)

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