This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Zabe

Switch to Active Tasks 15 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T277398 T277398: Avoid using User::isIPRange and ::isValidUserName resolved Medium (orange) Zabe Zabe
    T277596 T277596: Avoid using User::getLatestEditTimestamp resolved Medium (orange) Zabe Zabe
      T277600 T277600: Prepare User option methods for hard deprecation resolved Medium (orange) Zabe Zabe
      T277818 T277818: Transition callers of deprecated User::setOption() resolved Medium (orange) Zabe Zabe
        T282108 T282108: Prepare User creation methods for hard deprecation declined Medium (orange) Zabe
          T282192 T282192: Avoid using User::getRights invalid Medium (orange) Zabe
            T288138 T288138: Suppressor group sometimes shows up at Special:ListUsers in dewiki open Needs Triage (violet) Zabe
              T291268 T291268: mediawiki/core CI throws PHP deprecation warnings 'Premature access to service' resolved High (red) Zabe xSavitar (Derick Alangi)
                T291849 T291849: Create a DatabaseBlockStoreFactory in order to make DatabaseBlockStore a proper cross-wiki store open High (red) Zabe Zabe
                T291983 T291983: Create a BlockRestrictionStoreFactory in order to make BlockRestrictionStore a proper cross-wiki store open High (red) Zabe Zabe
                  T291994 T291994: Properly support cross-wiki blocking open High (red) Zabe Zabe
                  T292239 T292239: Flaky "LogicException: Trying to delete mock tables" failure in MW integration test open High (red) Zabe
                    T292375 T292375: Figure out how to force-logout users cross-wiki open Needs Triage (violet) Zabe
                      T293928 T293928: Hard deprecate and remove wfGetCache() and wfGetMainCache() open Needs Triage (violet) Zabe
                        T298223 T298223: Global suppressions throw 'Deprecated cross-wiki access' warnings open Needs Triage (violet) Zabe

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