This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)

Switch to Active Tasks 50 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T100099 T100099: Meeting: Automatic deployment of backend services on beta cluster declined Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
T126830 T126830: GWToolset causes fatal error on beta cluster resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) bd808 (Bryan Davis)
    T133911 T133911: Bump quota of Nodepool instances (contintcloud tenant) resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
    T143733 T143733: Send Jenkins daemon logs to logstash open Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
      T147110 T147110: Delete deployment-db1 and deployment-db2 resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
        T152684 T152684: Setup change-propagation service CI duplicate Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
          T183891 T183891: Archive mediawiki/extensions/Collection/OfflineContentGenerator and all OCG-related repos resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) MarcoAurelio
          T196977 T196977: @runInSeparateProcess causes an infite loop preventing test from running declined Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
            T203075 T203075: Warning: MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore::fetchBlob: Bad data in text row resolved High (red) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
            T203566 T203566: ParserOutput cache incompatibility errors in 1.32.0-wmf.20 resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) tstarling (Tim Starling)
            T203567 T203567: Warning: Invalid operand type was used: implode() expects a container as one of the arguments in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.32.0-wmf.20/includes/parser/ParserOutput.php on line 428 duplicate High (red) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
              T204767 T204767: Special:ActiveUsers fails with "Error: 1054 Unknown column 'rc_actor' in 'on clause' (" resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Anomie
                T210608 T210608: EventBus::createEvent Call to a member function format() on a non-object (boolean) resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                  T210732 T210732: wiktionary: /rpc/RunSingleJob.php CannotCreateActorException from line 2540 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.33.0-wmf.6/includes/user/User.php: Cannot create an actor for a usable name that is not an existing user resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Anomie
                    T210739 T210739: Target deletion during page move fails resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Anomie
                      T210740 T210740: Cannot create actor ID for user_id=156 user_name=Sz-iwbot duplicate Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                        T212335 T212335: EventBus or CirrusSearch: DomainException from line 353 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.33.0-wmf.9/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php: Unknown JSON error: 5 resolved High (red) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Pchelolo
                          T217382 T217382: APIEditPage -> ApiBase->checkTitleUserPermissions PHP Warning: Invalid operand type was used: Invalid type used as key resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Anomie
                            T220514 T220514: MediaWiki web installer does not show extension when their dependency is missing open Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                              T224050 T224050: /w/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=info can cause PHP Warning: Linker::userToolLinks received an empty username. resolved High (red) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) CCicalese_WMF (Cindy Cicalese)
                                T224095 T224095: Bad value for parameter $dbkey: should not be empty unless namespace is main and fragment is non-empty resolved High (red) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                  T224227 T224227: php-1.34.0-wmf.6/includes/TemplateParser.php(149) : eval()'d code: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW), expecting ')' duplicate Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                    T228838 T228838: Consider enabling all MW log channels by default for WMF open Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                      T231430 T231430: Structure test to validate existence of ResourceLoaderImageModule "images" files resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
                                        T231894 T231894: 1.34.0-wmf.21 cause Graphoid service check to fail due to 403 from resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Catrope (Roan Kattouw)
                                          T231965 T231965: AbuseFilter tests fail on REL1_33: CannotCreateActorException: Cannot create an actor for a usable name that is not an existing user resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                            T232451 T232451: ParameterAssertionException: "Bad value for parameter $title: invalid name" (affects actions info, history, diff) resolved High (red) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                              T232487 T232487: 1.34.0-wmf.22 PHP Warning: curl_multi_setopt():Invalid curl multi configuration option resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Reedy (Sam Reed)
                                                T232613 T232613: LBFactoryMulti.php: PHP Notice: Undefined index: resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                  T234016 T234016: Coverage of ApiQuerySiteinfoTest:testContinuation takes 50+ seconds resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                    T235023 T235023: Selenium test "User should be able to log in @daily" fails with Quibble 0.0.37 resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                      T236019 T236019: Remove HHVM support from Quibble resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) awight (Adam Wight)
                                                        T236915 T236915: Expose mediawiki/tools/api-testing doc on resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                          T253725 T253725: Call to a member function getUser() on boolean ( CoreParserFunctions::revisionuser ?) resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) DannyS712
                                                            T257317 T257317: scap deploy --init on deployment server fails on first puppet run open Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                              T267388 T267388: Puppet failure on deployment-memc08.deployment-prep.eqiad.wmflabs resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                                T268759 T268759: causing more than 33% of Gerrit http traffic resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) CCicalese_WMF (Cindy Cicalese)
                                                                  T269235 T269235: [X8ehRwpAICgAALHNCUsAAACI] /wiki/clamor ErrorException from line 157 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.20/extensions/CategoryTree/includes/CategoryTreeHooks.php: ParserOutput::mCategoryTreeTag dynamic property write access deprecated [Called from CategoryTreeHooks::parserHook] resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Pchelolo
                                                                    T269236 T269236: [X8elNgpAAL8AASHtlA8AAADE] /wiki/Category:German_pronunciation_of_prepositions ErrorException from line 4021 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.20/includes/parser/Parser.php: ParserOutput::mNoGallery public write access deprecated [Called from Parser::handleDoubleUnderscore] resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Pchelolo
                                                                      T277150 T277150: Cannot execute query from CategoryMembershipChangeJob::run while transaction status is ERROR open Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                                        T278376 T278376: Parser Use of RevisionRecord for a page that can't exist: (eg Special:MyLanguage/Main Page) open Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                                          T278735 T278735: The given PageIdentity does not represent a proper page resolved Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                                            T279068 T279068: Wikibase data-client bridge selenium failure on buster but not stretch resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Ladsgroup (Amir Sarabadani)
                                                                              T283167 T283167: InvalidArgumentException: Unable to normalize the provided actor name x.y.z.v/16 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Zabe
                                                                                T283282 T283282: PHP Deprecated: ignored an error originally raised from WikiPage::insertOn (Lock wait timeout exceeded) open Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                                                  T293860 T293860: PHP Deprecated: Use of ParserOutput::setProperty was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.38. [Called from Wikibase\Client\Hooks\ShortDescHandler::doHandle] resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE (Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE))
                                                                                    T293894 T293894: PHP Deprecated: Use of ParserOutput::getProperty was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.38. [Called from GeoCrumbsHooks::makeTrail] resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) cscott (C. Scott Ananian)
                                                                                      T293895 T293895: PHP Deprecated: Use of ParserOutput::getProperty was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.38. [Called from LqtDiscussionPager::getPageLimit] resolved Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso) abi_ (Abijeet Patro)
                                                                                        T294015 T294015: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\Entity\UserEntity::newFromMWUser() must be an instance of User, boolean given, called in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.38.0-wmf.5/extensions/OAuth/src/Repository/ScopeRepository.php on line 79 open Needs Triage (violet) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)
                                                                                          T95652 T95652: On beta cluster citoid should self update and reload after change is merged declined Medium (orange) hashar (Antoine "hashar" Musso)

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