This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: MediaWiki-Logevents

Switch to Active Tasks 23 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T152346 T152346: Separate log action for moves suppressing redirects open Needs Triage (violet)
    T157218 T157218: Special:Log should display all logs a user has the rights to see (instead of only public logs) open Needs Triage (violet)
      T160233 T160233: Enable administrators to update block logs stalled Medium (orange)
        T164382 T164382: Evaluate the need for FORCE INDEX (ls_field_val) [now IGNORE INDEX (ls_log_id)], delete the index hint if not needed anymore open Low (yellow)
          T193890 T193890: Allow search with logid in list=logevents open Needs Triage (violet)
            T200385 T200385: Add a hook to modify $wgLogTypes / LogPage::validTypes() at runtime open Low (yellow)
              T207477 T207477: 'All public logs' for a given page lists the 'page curation log' reviews, but not 'patrol log' reviews stalled Low (yellow)
              T218110 T218110: ManualLogEntry::publish( $id, 'udp' ) does not save change tags resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                T220834 T220834: Log entry unreachable via logid= if its type is among $wgFilterLogTypes resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                  T221458 T221458: Special:Log on commons -- entire web request took longer than 60 seconds and timed out resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                    T224368 T224368: Ensure Linker::userLink is not called with empty user name resolved High (red)
                      T224811 T224811: Special:Log/block inaccessible on several wikis with fatal ParameterAssertionException "Bad value for parameter $dbkey: should not be empty" resolved High (red)
                        T224815 T224815: PHP error: Undefined index: 6::ofield and 7::nfield (from DeleteLogFormatter.php) resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                          T237026 T237026: Page creation log cannot be viewed from oldest records, Fatal: "execution time limit of 60 seconds was exceeded" resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                            T239012 T239012: Remove autogeneration of Deletion summary. declined Medium (orange)
                              T241709 T241709: Normalize $infinityValues before write to logging table when blocking open Low (yellow)
                                T253716 T253716: `tag` log entries should reference tag id rather than name open Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T253717 T253717: Add a factory service for `ManualLogEntry` objects open Needs Triage (violet)
                                    T255330 T255330: [Regression] user rights log entries no longer include expiry resolved High (red)
                                      T256706 T256706: Add a script to back fill missing user rights expirations open Medium (orange)
                                        T266480 T266480: Extension should not instance LogPager, use LogEventsList::showLogExtract open Needs Triage (violet)
                                          T275960 T275960: Partially failed user suppression left revisions visible, with rev_deleted=0 open Low (yellow)
                                            T291689 T291689: Add a new flag named "EDIT_SUPPRESS_CREATE_LOG" open Needs Triage (violet)

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