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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC Storage Layer - phase 1)

Switch to Active Tasks 29 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T174023 T174023: Implement MCR storage layer resolved Medium (orange)
T174024 T174024: Implement MCR revision retrieval interface resolved Medium (orange)
T174025 T174025: Implement MCR revision retrieval legacy version resolved Medium (orange)
    T174028 T174028: Finalize database schema for MCR content meta-data resolved Needs Triage (violet)
      T174030 T174030: Implement DB schema migration tools for MCR resolved Medium (orange)
      T174038 T174038: Initial implementation of MCR page update interface resolved Medium (orange)
      T174039 T174039: Implement MCR page update legacy version invalid Medium (orange)
        T180210 T180210: Improve test coverage for Revision class resolved Needs Triage (violet)
          T180989 T180989: Improve Test Coverage for WikiPage class resolved High (red)
            T182678 T182678: [MCR] Script for populating empty ar_rev_id fields resolved Medium (orange)
              T182682 T182682: [MCR] Script(s) for populating new tables (slots, content, content_models, slot_roles) resolved Medium (orange)
                T184629 T184629: Run maintenance/migrateArchiveText.php on all wikis resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                  T187586 T187586: Installer fails in RevisionStore resolved High (red)
                    T188518 T188518: Implement Storage service for content models and slot roles resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                      T189004 T189004: replace slot_inherited with slot_origin resolved Medium (orange)
                      T190153 T190153: DROP unused 'slots' table (WAS: In the slots table, replace slot_inherited with slot_origin) resolved Medium (orange)
                        T192306 T192306: Create MCR test wiki on WM Cloud resolved Medium (orange)
                        T194015 T194015: Make PageArchive aware of MCR resolved Medium (orange)
                          T194034 T194034: Make rollback inherit all slots from the target version resolved Medium (orange)
                            T194412 T194412: Make undo fail gracefully for non-main slots. resolved Medium (orange)
                            T195980 T195980: Write a specification for the architecture for handling slots resolved Medium (orange)
                              T196082 T196082: npm install for selenium tests not working on labs-vagrant resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                T196172 T196172: Test schema migration script resolved Medium (orange)
                                  T196585 T196585: Deploy some MCR related patches on test / group0 for an extended period resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                    T196653 T196653: Test MCR Storage Layer Patches resolved Medium (orange)
                                    T197619 T197619: Introduce SCHEMA_COMPAT_XXX constants to allow more fine grained control over the migration process resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                      T197685 T197685: Clarify semantics of "base revision" and "parent revision" in EditPage, WikiPage, and PageUpdater resolved High (red)
                                        T198413 T198413: Allow multiple slots to be used while still writing to the old as well as the new schema resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                          T36925 T36925: [MCR] create maintenance script for Migration of text from archive table to text table resolved Medium (orange)