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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Wikidata-Campsite (Wikidata-Campsite-Iteration-∞ (On Hold))

Switch to Active Tasks 43 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T128486 T128486: [Story] Make Special:EntityData be up to date after an edit resolved High (red)
T169775 T169775: Declare Wikibase JavaScript hooks stable resolved Medium (orange)
    T204022 T204022: Add functionality to run QualityConstraint checks on an entity after every edit resolved Medium (orange)
    T204031 T204031: Deploy regular running of wikidata constraint checks using the job queue resolved Medium (orange)
    T204714 T204714: Define job to run constraint checks for an entity resolved Medium (orange)
      T204715 T204715: Add more tracking for constraint checks resolved Medium (orange)
        T204716 T204716: Introduce configuration to run constraint checks after a certain amount of edits resolved Medium (orange)
          T205958 T205958: Wikibase\Repo\Search\Elastic\Tests\EntitySearchElasticFulltextTest::testSearchElastic fails on PHP 7.1 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
            T206100 T206100: Wikibase\Lexeme\Tests\MediaWiki\Search\LexemeCompletionSearchTest fails on PHP 7.1 resolved High (red)
              T208306 T208306: Beta: InitialiseSettings-labs.php: PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant WB_NS_PROPERTY - assumed 'WB_NS_PROPERTY' resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                T208308 T208308: Beta: Argument 2 passed to Wikibase\Repo\Specials\SpecialEntitiesWithoutPageFactory::__construct() must be an instance of array, null given resolved Medium (orange)
                  T214557 T214557: Allow accessing Wikibase entities from multiple (Wikibase) databases resolved High (red)
                  T216686 T216686: beta wikidata API: LogicException (UnusableEntitySource used) resolved High (red)
                    T222497 T222497: dumpRDF for MediaInfo entities loads each page individually resolved Medium (orange)
                      T234795 T234795: Wikibase Travis CI jobs failing with the SQL syntax error resolved High (red)
                        T239072 T239072: SpecialMostRevisions::reallyDoQuery takes lots of hours to run on wikidata resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                          T241947 T241947: Stop using $wgUser in Wikibase resolved Low (yellow)
                            T242415 T242415: EntitySourceDefinitions to use 'sub-entity-type' entity type definition information resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                              T243184 T243184: entitysources: Client: adjust WikibaseClient::getRepoItemUriParser resolved Medium (orange)
                                T243185 T243185: entitysources: Client: adjust WikibaseClient::getRecentChangeFactory resolved Medium (orange)
                                  T243186 T243186: entitysources: Client: adjust WikibaseClient::getStore resolved Medium (orange)
                                    T243187 T243187: entitysources: Client: adjust UpdateRepoHookHandlers::newFromGlobalState resolved Medium (orange)
                                      T243188 T243188: entitysources: Client: adjust UpdateSubscriptions::execute resolved Medium (orange)
                                        T243190 T243190: entitysources: Switch the default value of the useEntitySourceBasedFederation to true in both Repo and Client duplicate Medium (orange)
                                          T243726 T243726: Babel should get cross-wiki languages via DB instead of making an HTTP request resolved High (red)
                                            T243769 T243769: entitysources: DatabasePropertyTermStore and DatabaseItemTermStore should not perform any writes operations for items/properties from non-local source resolved Medium (orange)
                                              T243841 T243841: LogicException UnusableEntitySource on fresh install of Wikibase from PropertyInfoTable.php(74): Wikibase\DataAccess\UnusableEntitySource->getDatabaseName() resolved High (red)
                                                T243846 T243846: Remove hardcoded DataAccessSettings::USE_REPOSITORY_PREFIX_BASED_FEDERATION in various service constructions resolved High (red)
                                                T248147 T248147: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::normalizeUpsertKeys called with deprecated parameter style: the unique key array should be a string or array of string arrays generating 2 million warnings in 24 hours resolved High (red)
                                                  T249598 T249598: Wikibase schema updaters must not modify database directly resolved High (red)
                                                    T249838 T249838: Fix WikibaseLexeme UnsupportedObjectExceptions in Wikibase CI builds resolved High (red)
                                                      T254283 T254283: Remove legacy EntityInfo based prefetching resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                        T266263 T266263: Wikibase extension should not write objects into ExtensionData resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                          T273622 T273622: Deprecation warning: Expected RevisionRecord to belong to ... resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                                                            T280627 T280627: Investigation of remaining page_props update issue [timebox: 2 days] resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                            T281704 T281704: extensions/Wikibase - Use UserGroupManager instead of User group methods resolved Medium (orange)
                                                              T282160 T282160: Enable testcommonswiki as a client of testwikidatawiki with dispatching running resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                T282697 T282697: Get rid of RepoEntityChange resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                  T283240 T283240: PagePropsEntityIdLookup: don’t pass non-PageIdentity Titles into PageProps::getProperties() resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                    T283654 T283654: CognateIntegrationTest::testCreateDeleteAndRestorePageResultsInEntry is failing resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                      T285987 T285987: Do not generate full html parser output at the end of Wikibase edit requests resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                      T45283 T45283: InfoAction doesn't take namespace protection into account resolved Low (yellow)
                                                                        T85499 T85499: wbEntity shouldn't be served on every page load resolved Medium (orange)

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