This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: cloud-services-team (Kanban)

Switch to Active Tasks 23 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T181650 T181650: Change views for the new columns of the refactored comment storage resolved Medium (orange)
    T189158 T189158: Change `image` view to properly expose the new `img_description_id` field resolved Needs Triage (violet)
      T195747 T195747: Create views for the schema change for refactored actor storage resolved Medium (orange)
        T208690 T208690: Create revision_commentindex on Wiki Replicas in Cloud VPS open Low (yellow)
          T215445 T215445: comment and actor view challenges for Cloud Services open Medium (orange)
            T216712 T216712: Switch PHP 7.2 packages to an internal component resolved Medium (orange)
            T229657 T229657: Switchover m5 primary master: db1073 to db1133: Tuesday 3rd Sept at 13:00 UTC resolved Medium (orange)
              T233335 T233335: Change maintain-meta_p script to use the sitematrix API open Low (yellow)
                T234615 T234615: Wikireplicas changes for abuse_filter_log including two new columns resolved Medium (orange)
                  T245912 T245912: Prepare and check storage layer for resolved Medium (orange)
                    T246056 T246056: Remove any references to fixcopyrightwiki from the meta-index in Wikimedia Cloud Services resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                      T246946 T246946: Prepare and check storage layer for resolved High (red)
                        T249188 T249188: Reimage labsdb1011 to Buster and MariaDB 10.4 declined High (red)
                        T251574 T251574: Package mcrouter 0.41 for Debian Buster resolved Medium (orange)
                          T252219 T252219: Drop MCR-obsoleted fields from the wiki replicas resolved High (red)
                            T260324 T260324: Upgrade m5 to Buster and MariaDB 10.4 resolved Medium (orange)
                              T269004 T269004: Upgrade labweb servers to buster resolved Medium (orange)
                                T272008 T272008: Move wikireplicas under the new sanitarium hosts (db1154, db1155) resolved Medium (orange)
                                T272127 T272127: 2021-01-15: ** PROBLEM alert - labstore1004/Ensure mysql credential creation for tools users is running is CRITICAL ** resolved Medium (orange)
                                  T272319 T272319: Frequent "Nonce already used" errors in scripts and tools resolved Medium (orange)
                                    T273738 T273738: Get platform engineering team green light for Cloud NAT to wikis change open Medium (orange)
                                      T276039 T276039: Puppet failure on clouddb1003.clouddb-services.eqiad.wmflabs resolved High (red)
                                        T291806 T291806: Remove afl_filter column from the views resolved Medium (orange)

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