This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: Tchanders

Switch to Active Tasks 20 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T219441 T219441: Introduce a BlockManager service for getting and combining the blocks that apply to a user/IP resolved Medium (orange) aezell (Alex Ezell) Tchanders
    T222737 T222737: Refactor Block to AbstractBlock, DatabaseBlock and SystemBlock resolved Medium (orange) Tchanders Tchanders
      T225141 T225141: Move cookie-related logic from User and Block to BlockManager resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
        T227007 T227007: Reasons and blockers for SystemBlocks should not be stored as translated messages resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
          T228948 T228948: PermissionManager::isBlockedFrom() can return true even if the user does not have a block resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) Tchanders
            T229035 T229035: Deprecate 'GetBlockedStatus' hook and reduce visibility of User::mBlock, User::mBlockedBy and User::mHideName resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
            T229692 T229692: Use GetUserBlockComplete hook instead of GetBlockedStatus in TorBlock extension resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
            T233119 T233119: Intended use of MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin not so clear resolved High (red) Reedy (Sam Reed) Tchanders
              T236814 T236814: Improve blocker information on mobile block error message drawer resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
                T255433 T255433: Introduce a DatabaseBlock factory service open Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
                  T269029 T269029: Investigate issues with Tally function in SecurePoll [8Hr] resolved Medium (orange) Niharika (Niharika) Tchanders
                    T271830 T271830: Allow election decryption key to be submitted via the TallyPage form resolved Medium (orange) Tchanders Tchanders
                    T272176 T272176: GpgCrypt::deleteHome outputs a warning on trying to delete home directory resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
                      T272758 T272758: Use HTMLForm submission infrastructure in TallyPage forms resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
                        T272916 T272916: Combine TallyPage forms into one resolved Medium (orange) Tchanders Tchanders
                          T272965 T272965: Migrate SecurePoll tables that have parity to AbstractSchema resolved Needs Triage (violet) STran (STran) Tchanders
                            T273926 T273926: Create admin action filter for Special:SecurePollLog form and add handling for form filters to SpecialSecurePollLog and SecurePollLog pager resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
                              T273931 T273931: Create target filter for Special:SecurePollLog form resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders
                                T283265 T283265: Many Special pages that query user blocks make primary database connections on GET requests open High (red) Tchanders Tchanders
                                  T283268 T283268: SpecialPages and Actions that call PermissionManager::isBlockedFrom should pass through the appropriate rigor level open Needs Triage (violet) Tchanders Tchanders

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