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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: dbarratt (David Barratt)

Switch to Active Tasks 38 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T170603 T170603: API Edit Requires a Captcha, but on Wiki edit does not open Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt)
    T180153 T180153: API:Usercontribs should allow clients to order by timestamp open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
      T180858 T180858: CentralAuth API list=globalallusers should capitalize the first letter open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
        T184939 T184939: Create official dev image or remove dev folder open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
          T207403 T207403: Update MobileFrontend editor for MCR open High (red) dbarratt (David Barratt)
            T208517 T208517: Should Wikibase add a property to the page response object that indicates the embedded entities? resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
              T210045 T210045: Allow extensions to specify a custom PARAM_TYPE open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                T210790 T210790: Allow cross-origin requests by default in the Action API open Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                  T212307 T212307: Interaction Timeline makes an API request to MediaWiki that returns a warning open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                    T212988 T212988: Allow clients to POST JSONs in the body open Low (yellow) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                      T219684 T219684: BlockRestriction should be a service instead of a singleton resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) dmaza (Dayllan Maza)
                        T221722 T221722: ApiQueryBlocks should not be aware of the container resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                        T222388 T222388: Create a mechanism for SpecialPages and API modules to have dependencies injected into them resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) Mainframe98 (Klaas Skelte van der Werf)
                          T226657 T226657: Add a mechanism to determine if a namespace is a default MW namespace resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                            T227733 T227733: Draft: Masking IP addresses for increased privacy declined Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                              T228077 T228077: Migrate ipblocks to actor table declined Lowest (sky) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                T228486 T228486: Partially blocked users cannot delete revisions resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                T228948 T228948: PermissionManager::isBlockedFrom() can return true even if the user does not have a block resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) Tchanders
                                  T232176 T232176: Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for requests in Core REST API resolved High (red) dbarratt (David Barratt) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
                                  T236751 T236751: Allow OutputPage to set maxage declined Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                  T236862 T236862: Add tests to OutputPage::sendCacheControl resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                    T240000 T240000: Config on the RequestContext may not be the same as the main config resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                      T252798 T252798: How should hook implementations access the current request context? resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                      T253594 T253594: Tabs may not be valid YAML resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                        T253796 T253796: Should CheckUser record the log_id of logged actions? open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                          T254271 T254271: Should HookRunner be in the service container? resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                          T254631 T254631: metadata is in the <body> rather than the <head> open Low (yellow) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                            T255572 T255572: Should MediaWiki services encourage the command pattern or avoid it? resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                              T256535 T256535: Same-Origin policy prevents reading HTML pages cross-origin open Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                T257586 T257586: ExtensionRegistry is difficult to use as a singleton open Low (yellow) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                  T258350 T258350: HEAD request to API fails to add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header despite being a simple request resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                    T259314 T259314: MediaWiki does not provide a standard way to inform skins about links in the page bottom/footer open Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                      T259651 T259651: Update WikimediaMessages to use HookHandlers resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) DannyS712
                                                        T261053 T261053: REST API unnecessarily asks for CSRF tokens declined Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt)
                                                          T262425 T262425: Enable $wgAllowCrossOrigin on all Wikimedia wikis resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
                                                            T263075 T263075: Should the REST API return null/empty or should the property be missing? resolved Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt) Pchelolo
                                                              T264334 T264334: Could the registered module manifest be removed from the client? resolved Medium (orange) dbarratt (David Barratt) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof)
                                                                T264554 T264554: Mechanism to mark a REST endpoint as deprecated open Needs Triage (violet) dbarratt (David Barratt)

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