This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)

Switch to Active Tasks 16 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T173128 T173128: Find CI container build location resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
    T175293 T175293: Provision Docker >= 17.05 on contint1001 resolved Medium (orange) dduvall (Dan Duvall) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
      T175298 T175298: Secret storage on contint1001 for Docker registry password resolved Needs Triage (violet) dduvall (Dan Duvall) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
        T184457 T184457: Installation method for Minikube on CI for k8s testing resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
          T186548 T186548: Add blubber to docker integration agents resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
            T193777 T193777: FY2017/18-Q4: Prove viability of testing staged service containers alongside MediaWiki extension containers resolved Medium (orange) dduvall (Dan Duvall) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
            T196939 T196939: Build base image for math extension pipeline tests declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
              T203093 T203093: Add service-pipeline to zuul for Graphoid resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                T205919 T205919: TEC3:O3:O3.1:Q2 Goal - Move Blubberoid, ZoteroV2, and Graphoid through the production CD Pipeline resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                T207694 T207694: Adopt JSON as blubber's internal configuration format resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                T207696 T207696: Retain YAML support by converting to JSON in Blubber resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                  T213198 T213198: Update Blubber documentation resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T224857 T224857: Enhance MediaWiki deployments for support of php7.x resolved High (red) Joe (Giuseppe Lavagetto) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T242446 T242446: Decide timing of the automatic mediawiki branch cut resolved Medium (orange) mmodell (Mukunda Modell) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T279462 T279462: Release 1.36.0-rc.0 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T279708 T279708: Announce 1.36 retrospective "pencils down" and likely timeline to wikitech-l etc. resolved Needs Triage (violet) Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)

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