This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)

Switch to Active Tasks 67 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T157469 T157469: Mathoid CI Container Build resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
T158365 T158365: Session "{session}": Metadata merge failed: {exception} open Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
    T173127 T173127: Establish blubber config in mathoid resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
    T173128 T173128: Find CI container build location resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
      T177988 T177988: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.31.0-wmf.2/extensions/Collection/includes/DataProvider.php on line 152 resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) phuedx (Sam Smith)
        T183165 T183165: Verify functionality of the 'production' image in the context of an isolated k8s deployment resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
        T184457 T184457: Installation method for Minikube on CI for k8s testing resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
          T186548 T186548: Add blubber to docker integration agents resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
            T187105 T187105: Get MediaWiki running in Docker with Blubber declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
            T188933 T188933: install kubectl on integration agents resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
              T188934 T188934: install helm on integration agents resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
              T188935 T188935: modify service-pipeline to include helm install/helm test resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
              T188936 T188936: ensure minikube running on integration agents invalid Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
              T190589 T190589: Packaged helm points to non-existent tiller invalid Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                T196414 T196414: Build Math extension container on Postmerge declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                T196939 T196939: Build base image for math extension pipeline tests declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                  T196940 T196940: Establish shared library for pipeline code used in Jenkins resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
                  T196944 T196944: Create integration/config pipeline job to create runnable MediaWiki + Math image declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T198901 T198901: Migrate production services to kubernetes using the pipeline open Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T203091 T203091: Move Graphoid to Kubernetes via the deployment pipeline declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T203092 T203092: Create Graphoid .pipeline files declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                    T203093 T203093: Add service-pipeline to zuul for Graphoid resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                      T203278 T203278: Archive Mathoid deploy repo resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester)
                        T205911 T205911: Track and install additional npm packages for all service container images resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                          T205919 T205919: TEC3:O3:O3.1:Q2 Goal - Move Blubberoid, ZoteroV2, and Graphoid through the production CD Pipeline resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                          T205920 T205920: Blubberoid – create swagger spec resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
                          T207694 T207694: Adopt JSON as blubber's internal configuration format resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                          T207696 T207696: Retain YAML support by converting to JSON in Blubber resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                            T213193 T213193: Migrate changeprop to kubernetes resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) holger.knust (Holger Knust)
                            T213194 T213194: Migrate citoid to kubernetes resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) jijiki (effie mouzeli)
                              T213195 T213195: Migrate cxserver to kubernetes resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) jijiki (effie mouzeli)
                                T213197 T213197: Document helm chart creation resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) jeena (Jeena Huneidi)
                                  T213198 T213198: Update Blubber documentation resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                    T216086 T216086: ErrorException from includes/HeaderCallback.php: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Anomie
                                      T216200 T216200: includes/specials/pagers/ActiveUsersPager.php: PHP Notice: Undefined index: dir resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Mainframe98 (Klaas Skelte van der Werf)
                                        T222199 T222199: Post generated docs for pipelinelib resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) dduvall (Dan Duvall)
                                          T222820 T222820: Experiment with hosted kubernetes solutions for Beta declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                            T222829 T222829: merge and make-wmf-branch resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) mmodell (Mukunda Modell)
                                              T224041 T224041: Kask functional testing with Cassandra via the Deployment Pipeline open Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                              T230144 T230144: Deploy scap 3.12.0-1 to production resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Dzahn (Daniel Zahn)
                                                T244370 T244370: Beta: Undefined index: 1x in /srv/mediawiki-staging/php-master/includes/Setup.php on line 186 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester)
                                                  T251448 T251448: The given Title (XXX) does not belong to page ID during parse, coming from LuaSandbox declined Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                    T255595 T255595: Support for deleting images in PipelineLib declined Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                      T255596 T255596: PipelineLib helm test log output resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) jeena (Jeena Huneidi)
                                                        T255699 T255699: LoadBalancer.php: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() duplicate High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                          T255700 T255700: "Bad content model: expected wikitext but got javascript" while saving/stashing an edit resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Ammarpad
                                                            T255704 T255704: Fatal LogicException: Role mediainfo is already defined (DiscussionTools conflicts with WikibaseMediaInfo) resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) matmarex (Bartosz Dziewoński)
                                                              T255706 T255706: Wikibase\Client\Usage\Sql\EntityUsageTable::addUsages Deadlock open Low (yellow) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                T260274 T260274: JobQueueError: Could not enqueue jobs from stream [stream] duplicate High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                  T261783 T261783: Blubber composer/PHP support resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) jeena (Jeena Huneidi)
                                                                    T265525 T265525: Wikibase\Client\Usage\Sql\SqlSubscriptionManager::subscribe: Expected mass rollback of all peer transactions (DBO_TRX set) resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Ladsgroup (Amir Sarabadani)
                                                                      T281400 T281400: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to EditPage::displayViewSourcePage() must implement interface Content, null given resolved Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                        T281401 T281401: PHP Deprecated: Use of User::isIP was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.35. [Called from ApiVisualEditor::execute] resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) DannyS712
                                                                          T282723 T282723: MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException: Main slot of revision not found in database. See T212428. duplicate Medium (orange) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                            T282729 T282729: InvalidArgumentException: The revision does not belong to the given page. duplicate Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                              T283196 T283196: TypeError: Argument 2 passed to UploadStash::__construct() must implement interface MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity or be null, boolean given, called in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.37.0-wmf.6/includes/upload/UploadFromStash.php on line 66 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Pchelolo
                                                                                T284685 T284685: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to LanguageConverter::__construct() must be an instance of Language, instance of StubUserLang given, called in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.37.0-wmf.9/includes/language/LanguageConverterFactory.php on line 132 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) DannyS712
                                                                                  T287619 T287619: Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterTypeException: Bad value for parameter $target: must be a MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget|MediaWiki\Page\PageReference resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Umherirrender (Umherirrender)
                                                                                    T287623 T287623: InvalidArgumentException: Expected IJobSpecification objects open High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                                      T288641 T288641: PHP Deprecated: Use of wfLocalFile was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.34. [Called from MediaWiki\Extension\Nuke\SpecialNuke::doDelete] resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Zabe
                                                                                        T288643 T288643: Wikimedia\Assert\PostconditionException: Postcondition failed: makeTitleSafe() should always return a Title for the text returned by getRootText(). resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Urbanecm
                                                                                          T289717 T289717: Wikimedia\Assert\PostconditionException: Postcondition failed: Revision had no page resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) matmarex (Bartosz Dziewoński)
                                                                                            T290189 T290189: PHP Warning: mb_substr() expects parameter 2 to be integer, float given resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                                              T290194 T290194: Wikimedia\Assert\PostconditionException: Postcondition failed: makeTitleSafe() should always return a Title for the text returned by getRootText(). open Low (yellow) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)
                                                                                                T294857 T294857: TypeError: Return value of Title::getInterwiki() must be of the type string, null returned resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) thiemowmde (Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE))
                                                                                                  T295055 T295055: snapshot1010: PHP Warning: failed to get text for revid * resolved Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Pchelolo
                                                                                                    T297407 T297407: MediaWiki\Page\PageAssertionException: The given PageIdentity User:* does not represent a proper page open Needs Triage (violet) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani)

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