This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: Ammarpad

Switch to Active Tasks 30 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T161199 T161199: Unable to open edit page for some old revisions "PHP Fatal: Argument passed to EditPage::displayViewSourcePage() must implement interface Content" resolved Medium (orange) MoritzMuehlenhoff (Moritz Mühlenhoff) Ammarpad
    T196669 T196669: The link to deletion log on Special:Undelete sometimes sends to the wrong page resolved Low (yellow) Daimona Ammarpad
      T211910 T211910: Don't show misleading messages on Special:Contributions for IP ranges outside the CIDR limit resolved Needs Triage (violet) Amorymeltzer Ammarpad
        T213621 T213621: Offer a way to go to the previous or next non-deleted edit in an edit history of a page resolved Needs Triage (violet) Anthony_Appleyard Ammarpad
          T213788 T213788: Undoing an edit by an interwiki username results in broken user/talk/contribs links in edit summary resolved Needs Triage (violet) Dinoguy1000 Ammarpad
            T224430 T224430: Improve appearance of Special:MobileDiff when looking for invalid revision (Maybe because it's deleted) resolved High (red) Ammarpad Ammarpad
              T227766 T227766: Remove link to defunct on resolved Lowest (sky) Mvolz (Marielle Volz) Ammarpad
                T237856 T237856: Live preview not working with skins not shown in preferences resolved Medium (orange) Tacsipacsi Ammarpad
                  T248515 T248515: Watchlist Expiry: Add watchlist expiry support to Block API [medium] resolved Needs Triage (violet) MusikAnimal Ammarpad
                  T249181 T249181: Remove usages and drop hard deprecated User methods resolved Medium (orange) Ammarpad Ammarpad
                    T251599 T251599: (Postgres) Error: 42803 ERROR: column "temp_rev_user.revactor_actor" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function resolved High (red) Ammarpad Ammarpad
                      T254548 T254548: Regression: Tool "User uploads" in the sidebar missing in skin Monobook resolved Medium (orange) Raymond (Raimond Spekking) Ammarpad
                        T255700 T255700: "Bad content model: expected wikitext but got javascript" while saving/stashing an edit resolved High (red) thcipriani (Tyler Cipriani) Ammarpad
                          T256353 T256353: $wgDeprecationReleaseLimit is broken resolved Medium (orange) Nikerabbit (Niklas Laxström) Ammarpad
                            T256831 T256831: Fatal InvalidArgumentException: "Unable to parse URI" (from Rest/EntryPoint.php) resolved High (red) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof) Ammarpad
                              T257995 T257995: Deprecate Skin::makeVariablesScript resolved Medium (orange) Jdlrobson (Jon Robson) Ammarpad
                                T259094 T259094: Failing test RequestFromGlobalsTest resolved High (red) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof) Ammarpad
                                  T259962 T259962: Beta cluster main page fails to load with a linker error resolved Needs Triage (violet) Majavah (Taavi Väänänen) Ammarpad
                                    T261030 T261030: Fix ApiEditPage to return watchlist expiry if present when watchlist param is `nochange` resolved Needs Triage (violet) dmaza (Dayllan Maza) Ammarpad
                                      T262175 T262175: Remove ApiWatchlistTrait from ApiBase resolved Needs Triage (violet) Ammarpad Ammarpad
                                        T263340 T263340: Fatal InvalidArgumentException "the provided Title object belongs to page" when viewing pages with history broken by Special:MergeHistory open High (red) Pppery Ammarpad
                                          T265779 T265779: Fatal MWException when trying to rename a page resolved Needs Triage (violet) Tacsipacsi Ammarpad
                                            T267468 T267468: populateContentTables.php fails multiple times resolved Medium (orange) Subfader Ammarpad
                                              T267558 T267558: importTextFiles.php not setting content model and thus failing on MW 1.35 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Sophivorus (Felipe) Ammarpad
                                                T270149 T270149: Fix footgun DB query in RevisionStore::getTimestampFromId resolved Medium (orange) Krinkle (Timo Tijhof) Ammarpad
                                                  T270332 T270332: PHP Warning: json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given resolved High (red) holger.knust (Holger Knust) Ammarpad
                                                    T271979 T271979: Special:Contributions triggers PHP Notice: Undefined index: start resolved High (red) daniel (Daniel Kinzler) Ammarpad
                                                      T272225 T272225: Special:Contributions no longer accepts display form of IPv6 addresses resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Ammarpad
                                                        T272637 T272637: ConvertibleTimestamp::getTimestamp: The timestamp cannot be represented in the specified format resolved Medium (orange) brennen (Brennen Bearnes) Ammarpad
                                                          T277689 T277689: LanguageKk_cyrl->lastLetter: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: -1 resolved Needs Triage (violet) brennen (Brennen Bearnes) Ammarpad

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