This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Daimona

Switch to Active Tasks 66 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T193068 T193068: Add support for SQLite and postgre when searching patterns resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Daimona
    T195699 T195699: "Throttle" action seems to malfunction randomly resolved High (red) Daimona Daimona
      T196669 T196669: The link to deletion log on Special:Undelete sometimes sends to the wrong page resolved Low (yellow) Daimona Ammarpad
        T196995 T196995: Should we log filter hits for actions that were only throttled? open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
          T203359 T203359: Simplify throttle-related method after maintenance script execution invalid Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
            T203554 T203554: Rewrite throttle parameters open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
              T203584 T203584: Throttle groups may be empty or include unknown stuff resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
              T203585 T203585: Throttle parameters may have an undesired comma inside resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
              T203587 T203587: Major overhaul for "throttle" action in AbuseFilter open Medium (orange) Daimona
              T204236 T204236: Old variables are computed wrongly for old entries resolved Low (yellow) Daimona Daimona
              T209565 T209565: Dry run for normalizeThrottleParameters.php resolved High (red) Daimona Urbanecm
                T210709 T210709: Throttling isn't counted at all for filters using it resolved Medium (orange) Daimona CCicalese_WMF (Cindy Cicalese)
                  T211101 T211101: Throttle identifiers are ambiguous open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                    T213006 T213006: Create a script to update afl_var_dump, drop back-compat code resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Daimona
                    T214035 T214035: DBError "Error: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock" on WikiPage::doUpdateRestrictions resolved Low (yellow) Daimona TK-999 (Máté Szabó)
                      T214193 T214193: PHP Notice: Unable to unserialize in AbuseFilter.php resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                      T215787 T215787: PHP Warning: "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" on AbuseFilter history with PHP7 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                      T217743 T217743: Database::selectSQLText should prefix 'table_name.*' declined Low (yellow) Daimona Daimona
                        T220791 T220791: afl_filter should be split in afl_filter_id and afl_global resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                        T230272 T230272: 404 error when using VisualEditor: apierror-visualeditor-docserver-http resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) Daimona mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                          T231636 T231636: Butcher the list of phan suppressions in MW core resolved High (red) Daimona Daimona
                          T233222 T233222: Factor rev_deleted logic out of the API modules open Medium (orange) Daimona Pchelolo
                            T234052 T234052: Add abuse_filter_log.afl_filter_id and afl_global columns resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Marostegui (Manuel Aróstegui)
                            T234058 T234058: Review new AbuseFilter hard deprecations ahead of 1.34 release resolved High (red) Daimona mobrovac (Marko Obrovac)
                              T234062 T234062: ci-src-setup job (used by mediawiki-core-php72-phan-docker) is still running on PHP 7.0.33 resolved High (red) Daimona Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester)
                                T234132 T234132: Add a hook, called before a page edit is saved, offering the PSTed content of the edit open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
                                  T235160 T235160: Decide whether extensions should set a PHP version requirement in composer.json open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
                                  T235168 T235168: Clarify which methods on RevisionStore enforce audience checks when accessing content resolved Medium (orange) Daimona daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                    T239095 T239095: Undeleting pages with many revision results in DB exceptions open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
                                      T241947 T241947: Stop using $wgUser in Wikibase resolved Low (yellow) Daimona Silvan_WMDE
                                        T242249 T242249: Unclear MCR replacement for WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit open Medium (orange) Daimona
                                          T245940 T245940: Hard-deprecate and remove $wgContLang resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Jdforrester-WMF (James D. Forrester)
                                          T246539 T246539: Dry-run, then actually run updateVarDumps resolved High (red) Daimona Urbanecm
                                          T246938 T246938: How to update/delete ExternalStore entries? declined Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                            T246991 T246991: Memcached keys sometimes outlive their TTL (affects MW rate limit) resolved High (red) Daimona daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                              T247190 T247190: Complete TitleFactory to be a real factory service open Low (yellow) Daimona
                                                T252696 T252696: Find a good way to run the updateVarDumps script on large wikis resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                  T253199 T253199: SQLite's flexible typing causing incompatibility issues (at least in WMF CI) open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
                                                  T256922 T256922: {{SUBPAGENAME}} no longer returning the title for pages without subpages resolved High (red) Daimona daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                                    T258478 T258478: Add runtime type-check when inserting data duplicate Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
                                                      T261889 T261889: Use a BlobStore for storing var dumps resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Daimona
                                                        T264104 T264104: Verify AbuseFilter code that claims to share and re-use ParserOutput from core open Medium (orange) Daimona
                                                          T265298 T265298: Provide a public method for logging user rights changes open Lowest (sky) Daimona
                                                            T269712 T269712: Migrate afl_filter to afl_filter_id and afl_global resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                            T269713 T269713: Run the MigrateAflFilter script for AbuseFilter resolved High (red) Daimona Urbanecm
                                                              T271300 T271300: Stop using the global service locator in RevisionRecord::userCanBitfield resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Pchelolo
                                                                T271620 T271620: Make HookRunnerTest usable in extension tests resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Daimona
                                                                  T272361 T272361: CentralDBNotAvailableException from line 39 of CentralDBManager.php: $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB is not configured resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                    T272593 T272593: FilterNotFoundException from line 111 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.26/extensions/AbuseFilter/includes/FilterLookup.php: Filter XYZ does not exist resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                      T273965 T273965: Add taintedness data for new methods in Shellbox resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                        T274638 T274638: Devise a smart deprecation process for hooks passing User or Title objects open Medium (orange) Daimona
                                                                        T285776 T285776: Port patches for diff markers to wikidiff2 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                          T285793 T285793: Lock selection to a single side in wikidiff2 resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                          T285856 T285856: Release new version of wikidiff2 with side-locking selection resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona WMDE-Fisch (Christoph Jauera (WMDE))
                                                                          T285857 T285857: Deploy wikidiff2 1.13.0 resolved High (red) Daimona NRodriguez (Natalia)
                                                                          T285956 T285956: Lock selection to a single side in TableDiffFormatter resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                            T288242 T288242: Refactoring deletion-related code (UI and backend) open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                            T288281 T288281: Audit consumers of PermissionManager that end up calling Title::isBigDeletion resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                              T288282 T288282: Build the page delete UI from DeleteAction, not Article resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                                T288758 T288758: Introduce a new DeletePage service resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                                  T288759 T288759: Move the "big deletion" logic from Title to DeletePage resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona Daimona
                                                                                  T289008 T289008: Make page.page_is_new be = 0 for restored pages with multiple revisions open Low (yellow) Daimona
                                                                                    T290004 T290004: Migrate Action::checkCanExecute to use Authority with proper rigor open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona
                                                                                      T291187 T291187: Release new version of wikidiff2 with fix for RTL compatibility resolved Needs Triage (violet) Daimona WMDE-Fisch (Christoph Jauera (WMDE))
                                                                                        T291719 T291719: Remove abuse_filter_log.afl_filter column and adjust schema consequently from Wikimedia production resolved Medium (orange) Daimona Marostegui (Manuel Aróstegui)
                                                                                        T297748 T297748: Make NamespaceInfo work with PageIdentity open Needs Triage (violet) Daimona

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