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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: MediaWiki-Interface

Switch to Active Tasks 27 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T114072 T114072: <section> tags for MediaWiki sections resolved Medium (orange)
T129157 T129157: API sandbox should not use double scrollbars resolved Medium (orange)
T129308 T129308: Dropdowns on Special:ApiSandbox don't have overlay set, resulting in dropdown lists being limited to inner scrollable area resolved Needs Triage (violet)
T130495 T130495: API sandbox's field layouts are too wide resolved Needs Triage (violet)
    T130496 T130496: API sandbox's descriptions are positioned and styled poorly resolved Needs Triage (violet)
      T130499 T130499: API sandbox's PageLayout looks wrong on a full page resolved Needs Triage (violet)
        T140664 T140664: Prepare MediaWiki for API-driven frontend open Medium (orange)
        T15079 T15079: Improve intersection of transcluded sections and protection declined Needs Triage (violet)
          T152434 T152434: Add method to Revision to check if it was a Revert, and whether an edit was Reverted resolved Low (yellow)
          T186090 T186090: Deprecate and remove MediaWikiI18N class from Skin system resolved Medium (orange)
            T18691 T18691: RFC: Section header "share" link open Medium (orange)
            T208601 T208601: ForeignApi adds the origin parameter even if the other wiki is on the same domain resolved Needs Triage (violet)
              T230177 T230177: TypeError: mw.ForeignApi is not a constructor when using minerva skin (due to missing dependency to `mediawiki.ForeignApi`) invalid Medium (orange)
                T232140 T232140: Separate out logo handling into square image logos and long text/wordmark banner logos resolved High (red)
                T237856 T237856: Live preview not working with skins not shown in preferences resolved Medium (orange)
                  T24102 T24102: Add edit notices/warnings in a consistent fashion, and put them in a sensible order open Low (yellow)
                    T252760 T252760: Decouple wgValidSkinNames from underlying class resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                      T255620 T255620: SecurityError: The operation is insecure. mediawiki.action.view.redirect.js resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                        T257625 T257625: Interwiki sorting broken resolved High (red)
                          T257995 T257995: Deprecate Skin::makeVariablesScript resolved Medium (orange)
                            T278576 T278576: Remove non-critical path interface styles out of legacy feature into more appropriate homes resolved High (red)
                            T279693 T279693: .plainlinks doesn’t work with Timeless resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                              T280428 T280428: @noflip is not working in toc related LESS file resolved High (red)
                                T290004 T290004: Migrate Action::checkCanExecute to use Authority with proper rigor open Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T55784 T55784: [EPIC] Use Parsoid HTML for all page views open Medium (orange)
                                  T60137 T60137: Deprecate the SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec hook resolved High (red)
                                    T73010 T73010: Don't use the same 'ArticleView' poolcounter for anonymous and logged in users declined Medium (orange)

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