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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Chinese-Sites

Switch to Active Tasks 36 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T122942 T122942: RFC: Support language variants in the REST API resolved Medium (orange)
    T127683 T127683: Graphoid should handle font fallback/selection for all Unicode planes declined Needs Triage (violet)
    T148854 T148854: Use RESTBase for zhwiki invalid High (red)
    T159985 T159985: Implement language variant support in the REST API resolved Medium (orange)
    T168004 T168004: [Spike 6hrs] Investigate ability of vivliostyle to render single articles resolved High (red)
    T173842 T173842: [BUG] Wikidata description for the specific Chinese language variant should be shown resolved Medium (orange)
      T187153 T187153: Special:Abuselog throws when viewing details or examining (BadMethodCallException: Call get getId() on null) resolved High (red)
      T194161 T194161: Explore card content showing Traditional Chinese when Simplified Chinese is selected resolved High (red)
        T204969 T204969: Production use of LanguageConverter for read views of Phase 2C languages open Medium (orange)
          T21044 T21044: Document LanguageConverter open Low (yellow)
            T213405 T213405: zhwiki pages-meta-history bz2 dump hangs resolved High (red)
              T219702 T219702: Page import can fail with "Lock wait timeout exceeded" in WikiPage::insertOn open Medium (orange)
                T219816 T219816: Fatal IncompleteRevisionException when restoring an article (undelete page) resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                  T222328 T222328: [extlink] parsing - link cannot contain language variant or extension tags open Low (yellow)
                    T227089 T227089: Return displaytitle in the correct language variant from /page/summary resolved Medium (orange)
                      T228876 T228876: Some interface messages are default messages instead of local overrides for language variants on Chinese Wikivoyage invalid Low (yellow)
                      T229379 T229379: On, MediaWiki wrongly interprets an article about main pages as the wiki's main page invalid Low (yellow)
                        T229992 T229992: Locally created fallback should take precedent over config fallback open Needs Triage (violet)
                          T239643 T239643: Bugs in PHP port of LanguageConverter resolved High (red)
                            T240068 T240068: Page Content Service summary endpoint "extract" value does not vary per Accept-Language, and returns different output from expected LanguageConverter results resolved High (red)
                              T241208 T241208: Common (>1000/hour) WMFTimeoutException on zhwiki on api call /w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extlinks%7Ccategories%7Crevisions%7Ciwlinks%7Cimages%7Cimageinfo%7Clinks%7Cextracts%7Cinfo%7Clanglinks resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                T249284 T249284: Incorrect language variant returned for PCS endpoints resolved High (red)
                                  T250005 T250005: Mostlinkedtemplates returns title of templates that starts with lowercase letters on zhwiktionary open Medium (orange)
                                    T251521 T251521: Regression: Vector skin did not populate all variants option in the variant drop-down menu resolved High (red)
                                      T254627 T254627: [Bug] Showing incorrect language variant in Chinese article resolved High (red)
                                        T256491 T256491: Improve Accept-Language header handling in RESTBase open High (red)
                                          T257211 T257211: Determine frequency of usage of language variants open Low (yellow)
                                            T257625 T257625: Interwiki sorting broken resolved High (red)
                                              T258463 T258463: Undeploy graphoid for phase 2 wiki's resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                T260179 T260179: prop=description should handle Chinese language variant correctly open Medium (orange)
                                                  T262593 T262593: MediaWiki Developer stores different HTML output for different language variants in the parser cache open Medium (orange)
                                                    T262691 T262691: High numbers of HTTP 429 errors open High (red)
                                                      T271145 T271145: Improve /page/related/ response time in zhwiki open Low (yellow)
                                                        T275073 T275073: ImageInfo query does not respond to variants open Medium (orange)
                                                          T43716 T43716: [EPIC] Support language variant conversion in Parsoid open Medium (orange)
                                                          T53587 T53587: Parsoid needs to run findVariantLink or some equivalent thing open Medium (orange)