This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: MediaWiki-Internationalization

Switch to Active Tasks 30 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T145541 T145541: Make Hovercards work with Special:MyLanguage links open Low (yellow)
    T181987 T181987: Thumbnails are broken (False decimal point in srcset when locale is not English) open Medium (orange)
      T201405 T201405: Separate Language static methods/members into service(s) resolved High (red)
        T207100 T207100: LanguageTrTest::testDottedAndDotlessI fails in PHP 7.3 resolved Low (yellow)
          T207977 T207977: deprecate Language::viewPrevNext resolved Low (yellow)
            T218207 T218207: Use disk-based LCStore by default in MediaWiki open Medium (orange)
              T218918 T218918: Some interface messages (e.g. sitenotice, others) are loading old revisions of their messages resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
              T225756 T225756: Clean up languages/ directory in MediaWiki core (June 2019) open Needs Triage (violet)
                T227700 T227700: Fatal on some Special:MyLanguage urls: MWException "Can't determine talk page associated with interwiki link" resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                  T228876 T228876: Some interface messages are default messages instead of local overrides for language variants on Chinese Wikivoyage invalid Low (yellow)
                  T229266 T229266: Language::uc/lc return type correctness and perf review resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                    T229992 T229992: Locally created fallback should take precedent over config fallback open Needs Triage (violet)
                      T231183 T231183: L10n cache is completely broken resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                        T232266 T232266: Flaky test: MessageTest::testExpiryParams resolved Medium (orange)
                          T233192 T233192: Consider splitting rest- messages to a separate file resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                            T235360 T235360: Page view fatal from LanguageConverter: "Call to a member function isSafeToLoad() on null" resolved High (red)
                              T235978 T235978: In meta=allmessages API, amincludelocal does nothing open Needs Triage (violet)
                                T238464 T238464: PLURAL magicword not parsed during installation: "Password must be at least {{PLURAL:10|1 character|10 characters}}" resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T241638 T241638: ContainerDisabledException in ServiceContainer due to failed installation with different language then English open Medium (orange)
                                    T243913 T243913: Decrease public variables in Language class resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                      T244375 T244375: Multiple links on MediaWiki throwing : Fatal exception of type "TypeError" duplicate Unbreak Now! (pink)
                                        T247035 T247035: Retrieval of Memcached values containing Message objects spend significant time in Title::newFromText resolved Medium (orange)
                                          T247223 T247223: OOM from Babel loading messages from too many languages (getSubitemList) resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                            T247674 T247674: Remove $wgContLanguageCode resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                              T274192 T274192: Mark Message as NonSerializable open Medium (orange)
                                                T278482 T278482: Add message parameter types for user groups, PageIdentity, LinkTarget, and UserIdentity. open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                  T280428 T280428: @noflip is not working in toc related LESS file resolved High (red)
                                                    T4085 T4085: Add a {{USERLANGUAGE}} magic word declined Lowest (sky)
                                                    T43476 T43476: [Language validation] Implement Language::isKnownLanguageTag() resolved Medium (orange)
                                                      T68051 T68051: Implement Lua alternative to {{int:Lang}} / wgUserLanguage open High (red)

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