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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Platform Engineering Roadmap Decision Making

Switch to Active Tasks 65 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T113034 T113034: RFC: Overhaul Interwiki map, unify with Sites and WikiMap open Medium (orange)
T128602 T128602: RFC: Backend for synchronized data from Wikipedia mobile apps open Needs Triage (violet)
    T157658 T157658: Factor out a backend from EditPage open Medium (orange)
    T157670 T157670: Periodically run refreshLinks.php on production sites. open Low (yellow)
    T166010 T166010: The Great Namespaceization and Reorg stalled Low (yellow)
    T179680 T179680: Deprecate VirtualRESTService stalled Medium (orange)
      T192371 T192371: Consider stopping mobile regeneration for unreachable namespaces open Medium (orange)
        T212482 T212482: RFC: Evolve hook system to support "filters" and "actions" only open Medium (orange)
          T214362 T214362: RFC: Store WikibaseQualityConstraint check data in persistent storage open Medium (orange)
            T215466 T215466: Remove revision_comment_temp and revision_actor_temp open Needs Triage (violet)
            T219876 T219876: Create action API test cases using the API Integration Test framework open Medium (orange)
            T221795 T221795: Refactor Category::refreshCounts logic to a job and simplify open Medium (orange)
            T226830 T226830: Add information about available scaled images to list=allimages open Needs Triage (violet)
              T228294 T228294: Cassandra PHP driver evaluation open Needs Triage (violet)
              T231820 T231820: Make action API abstraction for API integration tests more flexible. open Low (yellow)
                T236412 T236412: Refactor BagOStuff to use a more storage/multi-DC aware interface hierarchy open Medium (orange)
                  T241053 T241053: Normalize globalimagelinks table open Medium (orange)
                    T242726 T242726: Improve the Kafka job queue's handling of unknown new jobs open Medium (orange)
                      T243313 T243313: Diffs sometimes fatal due to request timeout via ApiComparePages (revision comparisons) duplicate High (red)
                        T245900 T245900: Introduce dependency injection into jobs open Needs Triage (violet)
                          T247223 T247223: OOM from Babel loading messages from too many languages (getSubitemList) resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                            T247697 T247697: Rethink mathoids SVG to PNG conversion open High (red)
                              T248172 T248172: ServiceContainer: Allow static methods to be used for wiring open Low (yellow)
                                T249528 T249528: Warn if MediaWikiServices::getInstance() called prior to bootstrap completing duplicate Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T250205 T250205: Reduce rate of purges emitted by MediaWiki open Medium (orange)
                                  T250500 T250500: ParserCache / RESTBase / Parsoid integration resolved Medium (orange)
                                  T250835 T250835: Determine fate of sql.php/patchSql.php open Medium (orange)
                                    T251286 T251286: Investigate restricting the ability to create sql queries with bad patterns in mediawiki open Low (yellow)
                                      T253036 T253036: Add project descriptions to CPT (sub)projects which have no project description open Needs Triage (violet)
                                        T254031 T254031: Enable mediawiki-quibble-apitests-vendor-docker for extension Math resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                          T254422 T254422: Move CentralAuth sessions from redis backend to kask declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                            T255492 T255492: Consider making ILoadBalancer::getServerConnection private or internal resolved Low (yellow)
                                              T255493 T255493: Consider phasing out ILoadBalancer::getConnectionRef in favour of ILoadBalancer::getLazyConnectionRef open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                T256006 T256006: Test fails with "Can't reopen table" error. open Medium (orange)
                                                  T256432 T256432: Performance review of WebAuthn extension open Medium (orange)
                                                    T256956 T256956: Clean up getCacheVaryCookies()/haveCacheVaryCookies() open Medium (orange)
                                                      T257298 T257298: MediaWiki page undeletions should happen in batches of revisions open Low (yellow)
                                                        T257472 T257472: Turn Diff into a proper value object. open Medium (orange)
                                                          T257583 T257583: Run EventBus tests in MediaWiki core CI open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                            T261848 T261848: Simulate databases for sister sites in phpunit open Medium (orange)
                                                              T262205 T262205: Need for new event-type - `user_create` and `user_rename` open High (red)
                                                                T262407 T262407: Find or create tools for detecting architectural boundary violations open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                  T262571 T262571: Parser Cache Support for Multiple Parsers resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                  T262572 T262572: Use Parsoid-specific Parser Cache for Visual Editor invalid Medium (orange)
                                                                  T263127 T263127: Remove groups from db configs open Medium (orange)
                                                                  T263336 T263336: Add watchlist expiry support to FlaggedRevs' stabilize API open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                    T263353 T263353: Update all Wikimedia production extensions to use the new HookContainer/HookRunner system open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                    T263364 T263364: Update all tarballed extensions to use the new HookContainer/HookRunner system open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                    T263437 T263437: Allow easier ICU transitions in MediaWiki (change how sortkey collation is managed in the categorylinks table) open High (red)
                                                                      T263582 T263582: Interfaces for ParserCache declined Medium (orange)
                                                                        T264389 T264389: ProofreadPageContent must not contain User object, since it cannot be serialized safely. open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                          T264391 T264391: FeaturedFeedChannel must not contain a User object, since it cannot be serialized safely. resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                            T264393 T264393: Mark user object as non-serializable open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                            T266678 T266678: Actor Migration breaks images in 1.34.x open High (red)
                                                                              T267928 T267928: Configuration Modes open Medium (orange)
                                                                                T270710 T270710: Allow values other than ParserOutput to be stored in a ParserCache instance open Medium (orange)
                                                                                T274041 T274041: Investigate performance impact of HookRunner.php loading 500+ interfaces open Medium (orange)
                                                                                  T274189 T274189: Remove usage of PHP serialization from WANObjectCache open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                  T275657 T275657: Make PET standing meeting invites more descriptive and update their descriptions on wiki open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                    T279205 T279205: Harden and improve HTTP cache headers and purging in MediaWiki core (Sprint placeholder) open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                      T42787 T42787: Remove legacy ajax interface open Medium (orange)
                                                                                      T53736 T53736: Consider changing wikipage redirects to be proper HTTP redirects open Medium (orange)
                                                                                        T89971 T89971: ApiQueryImageInfo is crufty, needs rewrite open Medium (orange)
                                                                                        T96384 T96384: Integrate file revisions with description page history stalled Medium (orange)
                                                                                        T99268 T99268: RfC: Create a proper command-line runner for MediaWiki maintenance tasks open Medium (orange)

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