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Project: MediaWiki-extensions-OATHAuth

Switch to Active Tasks 32 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T100373 T100373: WebAuthn (U2F) integration for Extension:OATHAuth resolved Medium (orange)
T136224 T136224: OATHAuth doing DB master queries on HTTP GET resolved Medium (orange)
    T218210 T218210: SO878 Step 1: Refactor OATHAuth extension resolved Medium (orange)
    T218211 T218211: SO878 Step 2: Implement WebAuthn method resolved Medium (orange)
    T218214 T218214: SO878 Step 3: Finalize settings and user experience resolved Medium (orange)
    T218215 T218215: SO878 Step 4: Bind permissions to 2FA resolved Medium (orange)
      T226053 T226053: Special:Manage_Two-factor_authentication looks odd resolved Needs Triage (violet)
        T226056 T226056: Describe what different auth methods are resolved Medium (orange)
          T226057 T226057: s/OATH Manage/Manage OATH/ resolved Needs Triage (violet)
            T226058 T226058: oathauth-ui-error-page-no-module need refining resolved Needs Triage (violet)
              T226737 T226737: Enable Phan and seccheck on WebAuthn extension resolved Needs Triage (violet)
              T229415 T229415: Remove any orphaned i18n messages resolved Low (yellow)
                T231786 T231786: Error trying to enable 2FA on testwiki: "Call to a member function getSecret() on a non-object (array)" resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                  T232008 T232008: Ability to overwrite 2FA method without providing/re-auth using existing secondary authentication method resolved Medium (orange)
                    T232639 T232639: Get UX review for OATHAuth/WebAuthn open Needs Triage (violet)
                      T233146 T233146: Cannot enable 2FA on testwiki resolved High (red)
                        T235645 T235645: OATHAuth requesting re-auth during the middle (or mostly just before the end) of the process resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                          T237554 T237554: WebAuthn not working on beta resolved High (red)
                            T244088 T244088: Logging in at another wiki than WebAuth was set up fails stalled Needs Triage (violet)
                            T246943 T246943: Login failed/disappeared during 2FA open Medium (orange)
                              T247710 T247710: Argument 3 passed to ApiAuthManagerHelper::formatMessage() must be an instance of Message, null given, called in ApiAuthManagerHelper.php on line 337 resolved Medium (orange)
                                T248339 T248339: Decide how to deal with WebAuthn login/registration flow on Wikimedia wikis in future open Needs Triage (violet)
                                T248367 T248367: Update messages to notify WebAuthn users that they need to login on the same wiki they registered resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T251661 T251661: TOTP throttle not enforced cross-wiki (CVE-2020-25827) resolved High (red)
                                    T255370 T255370: Document best practices for user login if user is using 2FA open Low (yellow)
                                      T256432 T256432: Performance review of WebAuthn extension open Medium (orange)
                                        T256918 T256918: Review dead code around TOTP scratch tokens resolved Medium (orange)
                                          T268564 T268564: Convert OATHAuth to AbstractSchema open Needs Triage (violet)
                                            T270971 T270971: Update OATHAuth hook running to use HookContainer resolved Medium (orange)
                                              T281991 T281991: extensions/OATHAuth - use AbstractAuthenticationProvider ::init, ::postInitSetup instead of the setters of AbstractAuthenticationProvider resolved Medium (orange)
                                                T288836 T288836: extensions / OATHAuth - Replace deprecated CentralIdLookup::factory resolved Low (yellow)
                                                  T87949 T87949: Convert OATHAuth to use extension registration resolved Low (yellow)

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