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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Design

Switch to Active Tasks 39 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T130492 T130492: Design/usability issues with new API sandbox open Needs Triage (violet)
T130494 T130494: API sandbox's checkbox to enable is confusing open Needs Triage (violet)
    T130495 T130495: API sandbox's field layouts are too wide resolved Needs Triage (violet)
      T130496 T130496: API sandbox's descriptions are positioned and styled poorly resolved Needs Triage (violet)
        T130497 T130497: API sandbox: Clicking show results takes you to a separate panel open Needs Triage (violet)
          T130499 T130499: API sandbox's PageLayout looks wrong on a full page resolved Needs Triage (violet)
            T135022 T135022: [EPIC] Improve print styles in desktop and mobile sites resolved High (red)
            T135430 T135430: Updates to lazy loaded images UI resolved Medium (orange)
            T135476 T135476: Make lazy loading images less intrusive duplicate Medium (orange)
              T136617 T136617: Properly canonicalize Special:MobileCite pages and article backlink resolved Medium (orange)
                T142207 T142207: Investigate which styling quick fixes could be made to the print style resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                  T153157 T153157: JADE: Link from scored edit to this tool feedback interface invalid Low (yellow)
                    T154964 T154964: [EPIC] Improve mobile print styles resolved High (red)
                    T159857 T159857: Apply new mobile visual print styles resolved High (red)
                    T162414 T162414: User should be alerted when lazy loaded images haven't loaded in printed version of articles open Low (yellow)
                      T162913 T162913: Improve infobox legibility resolved Medium (orange)
                        T165851 T165851: Combo boxes in Special:ApiSandbox > main do not show what is typed declined Needs Triage (violet)
                          T168993 T168993: Prepare a UI mockup for the JADE editor interface duplicate Medium (orange)
                            T169828 T169828: Use Wikimedia Design Style Guide font choice of serif in print styles declined Medium (orange)
                            T171330 T171330: Justify text in print styles? resolved High (red)
                              T173023 T173023: Define and limit colors in new print styles open High (red)
                                T181200 T181200: Use "Charter" as preferred typeface on Electron declined Medium (orange)
                                  T183276 T183276: Design curation/suppression integration with MediaWiki (for JADE) invalid Needs Triage (violet)
                                    T18691 T18691: RFC: Section header "share" link open Medium (orange)
                                    T190690 T190690: Design review for JADE resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                      T199128 T199128: Jade Mockups: Entry edit mode duplicate High (red)
                                      T201361 T201361: Jade Implementation: Watchlist integration declined Medium (orange)
                                      T202304 T202304: Mobile diff does not show the cutting points between two diffs open Low (yellow)
                                        T207415 T207415: Make JADE "preferred" consensus clear; borrow from !vote styling resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                          T208819 T208819: Implement Jade Entity UI resolved Medium (orange)
                                          T212374 T212374: Jade Wireframes: Entity edit mode duplicate High (red)
                                            T212377 T212377: Jade Wireframes: Diff view controls duplicate High (red)
                                              T212378 T212378: Jade Wireframes: Watchlist integration declined High (red)
                                                T212379 T212379: Jade Wireframes: Entity view mode duplicate High (red)
                                                  T212380 T212380: Jade Wireframes: Search integration invalid High (red)
                                                    T232639 T232639: Get UX review for OATHAuth/WebAuthn open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                      T24102 T24102: Add edit notices/warnings in a consistent fashion, and put them in a sensible order open Low (yellow)
                                                        T241550 T241550: Design: What should happen if thanks fails open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                          T6845 T6845: CAPTCHA doesn't work for people with visual impairments open Medium (orange)

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