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Tasks By Project

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Project: Proton

Switch to Active Tasks 76 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T135643 T135643: Show tables in pdfs (#9) resolved Needs Triage (violet)
T167955 T167955: Create PDF styles for books invalid High (red)
    T169738 T169738: [Spike 8hrs] Investigate ability of using post-processing approach with new print styles invalid High (red)
    T169757 T169757: Improve usability of "download as pdf" page invalid Medium (orange)
      T170947 T170947: [Spike 4hrs] Investigate grafana dashboard for PDF's resolved High (red)
        T171832 T171832: Deploy new book renderer to all projects invalid High (red)
        T171833 T171833: Deploy new book renderer to all projects side by side with OCG duplicate High (red)
        T171836 T171836: Apply new print styles for books invalid High (red)
        T171838 T171838: Build out article concatenation according to requirements for books resolved High (red)
        T171956 T171956: Allow PDF rendering to be triggered only by electron for single-article PDFs resolved High (red)
        T171957 T171957: [Spike 8hrs] How should the new print styles be applied to single-article ("save as PDF") PDFs? invalid High (red)
          T171960 T171960: Create a library to post-process PDF and add page numbers and table of contents invalid High (red)
          T171964 T171964: [Spike - 8 hrs] Where should article concatenation be implemented? resolved High (red)
            T171965 T171965: [Spike - 8 hours] How should the PDF post-processing script be exposed for use by Extension:Collection resolved High (red)
            T172184 T172184: QA of new desktop print styles resolved High (red)
            T173014 T173014: Security review of pdfrw resolved High (red)
              T173015 T173015: Use PDF post-processing service to generate final PDF invalid High (red)
              T173018 T173018: Add an option in Special:Book to download PDFs generated by ElectronPdfService declined High (red)
              T173579 T173579: Expose PDF post-processing scripts as a stateless web service invalid High (red)
              T174147 T174147: Update banner on books page resolved High (red)
                T174148 T174148: Remove OCG as an option in book creator invalid High (red)
                  T174430 T174430: Create a staging environment for OCG/Proton resolved High (red)
                    T174437 T174437: [Spike] Review OCG instrumentation resolved High (red)
                    T174955 T174955: Infobox styling disappears in firefox declined Medium (orange)
                      T174957 T174957: Infobox breaking toc in new print styles resolved High (red)
                        T175856 T175856: Implement changes to article concatenation based on books requirements resolved High (red)
                        T175868 T175868: Deploy and test new book rendering (Remex + Electron) invalid High (red)
                        T176463 T176463: [Spike 8hrs] Investigate libraries for post-processing without non-JS dependencies resolved High (red)
                          T176467 T176467: [Spike 3hrs] Which browsers are downloading PDFs? resolved High (red)
                          T176627 T176627: Trial replacing Electron with headless Chromium in the render service resolved High (red)
                            T177672 T177672: Collection tests do not run properly resolved High (red)
                            T177795 T177795: Remove references to OCG service from prod config resolved High (red)
                              T177801 T177801: Collection phpunit tests are failing for table of contents when run locally resolved High (red)
                                T177805 T177805: [Spike] How do we render contributors and images section of books accurately? invalid High (red)
                                  T177892 T177892: PDF table of contents styling font-size is inconsistent resolved Medium (orange)
                                    T177969 T177969: [Spike 2h] Which browsers are downloading PDFs (including OS percentages)? resolved High (red)
                                      T177993 T177993: Article concatenation fails on large books invalid High (red)
                                        T177994 T177994: Book generation fails for articles with '/' character in title resolved High (red)
                                          T177996 T177996: Article concatenation not resilient to curl errors invalid High (red)
                                            T178036 T178036: Book rendering database query error invalid High (red)
                                              T178095 T178095: [EPIC] Fix problems with the PHP concatenation special page service invalid Medium (orange)
                                              T178186 T178186: Update Node.js version/dependencies in package.json declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                                T178278 T178278: Performance test the service resolved High (red)
                                                  T178289 T178289: Restrict access to the testing URL for the new book rendering workflow resolved High (red)
                                                    T178501 T178501: Limit resources used by Chromium in order to make the chromium-render service ready for production resolved High (red)
                                                      T179552 T179552: Set up Jenkins for chromium-render repository resolved Medium (orange)
                                                        T180058 T180058: Download all page images for printing resolved High (red)
                                                          T180601 T180601: Add logging to the mediawiki-services-chromium-render service resolved High (red)
                                                            T180604 T180604: Chromium render keeps tasks in the queue even browser connection is lost resolved High (red)
                                                              T180626 T180626: [Spike 8hr] How should we limit resources used by chromium render service? resolved High (red)
                                                              T180800 T180800: Update to service-template-node v0.5.3 resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                T181118 T181118: [EPIC] Build a Chromium-based PDF renderer service resolved High (red)
                                                                T182230 T182230: [Spike] Explore ways of creating a stateless web service in Python invalid Medium (orange)
                                                                  T183161 T183161: Performance test books on chromium rendering service invalid High (red)
                                                                    T184609 T184609: [4hrs] Document the service resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                      T186740 T186740: [EPIC] It should be possible to print a book using the Proton service invalid Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                      T189307 T189307: Instrument the Proton service to match mediawiki-services-electron-render resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                        T197862 T197862: Increase the CPU count for proton[12]00[12] resolved Low (yellow)
                                                                          T199264 T199264: Properly setup fonts-config on Proton servers resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                            T202982 T202982: Requests to MW 404 when on HTTPS resolved High (red)
                                                                              T207263 T207263: Scap not restarting Proton invalid High (red)
                                                                                T209070 T209070: Allow BBPromise cancellation resolved High (red)
                                                                                  T210651 T210651: Switch all PDF render traffic to new Proton service resolved High (red)
                                                                                  T211375 T211375: Rename chromium-render gerrit project to Proton declined Medium (orange)
                                                                                    T213362 T213362: Limit what URLs Proton can access resolved High (red)
                                                                                      T216493 T216493: Proton fails with Chromium 72.0.3626.96 resolved High (red)
                                                                                        T217114 T217114: Migrate Proton to k8s and nodejs 10 resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                          T217724 T217724: Investigate 2019-03-01 Proton incident resolved High (red)
                                                                                            T218217 T218217: Make services swagger specs standard compliant open Medium (orange)
                                                                                            T218220 T218220: Make mobileapps & proton swagger spec compliant resolved High (red)
                                                                                              T219925 T219925: Move proton logging to new logging pipeline resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                              T225680 T225680: Migrate Proton to k8s resolved High (red)
                                                                                              T226677 T226677: Expand RESTBase public PDF rendering API to support additional options supported by Proton resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                T238830 T238830: Profile proton memory usage for Helm chart resolved High (red)
                                                                                                  T238935 T238935: Eliminate usage of mocha-eslint from proton open Medium (orange)
                                                                                                    T274262 T274262: Rebuild all blubber build docker images running on kubernetes resolved High (red)

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