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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Cassandra

Switch to Active Tasks 110 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T113805 T113805: Establish a strategy for regular anti-entropy repairs declined Medium (orange)
    T117114 T117114: Ensure ansible-deploy can cope with multi-instance restarts resolved High (red)
      T118128 T118128: RFC: Simplify stashing with a shared key-value stash table / bucket resolved Low (yellow)
        T118524 T118524: Alert on abnormal storage growth patterns open Medium (orange)
          T125904 T125904: Brotli compression for Cassandra declined Medium (orange)
          T125906 T125906: Evaluate Brotli compression for Cassandra declined Medium (orange)
          T126629 T126629: Cassandra 2.2.6 resolved Low (yellow)
          T127472 T127472: Investigate reducing impact of single-node Cassandra latencies resolved Low (yellow)
            T128590 T128590: Cassandra uses default ip address for outbound packets while bootstrapping declined Low (yellow)
              T130540 T130540: Figure out if nodes in different DCs can be bootstrapped in parallel resolved High (red)
                T132632 T132632: puppetize turning off reserved space for cassandra /srv resolved Low (yellow)
                  T132815 T132815: Develop a RESTBase Cassandra cluster capacity planning document open Medium (orange)
                    T134461 T134461: Evaluate increased memtable_cleanup_threshold values open Low (yellow)
                      T136385 T136385: Research: Investigate Cassandra Kubernetification using upcoming PetSet abstraction in K8s 1.3 invalid Low (yellow)
                        T137419 T137419: Investigate aberrant disk read throughput in Cassandra (affects 2.2.x and 3.x) open High (red)
                          T137474 T137474: Investigate lack of recency bias in Cassandra histogram metrics resolved High (red)
                            T139639 T139639: RESTBase: Cassandra 2.2.6 post-upgrade checklist resolved Low (yellow)
                              T141541 T141541: Certs from cassandra-ca-manager should have the FQDN in cert's CN progress Low (yellow)
                                T142844 T142844: Collect droppable tombstone ratio metrics resolved Low (yellow)
                                  T144431 T144431: RESTBase k-r-v as Cassandra anti-pattern resolved Lowest (sky)
                                    T146130 T146130: Inconsistent Cassandra disk load shown in metrics and nodetool status resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                      T147366 T147366: Setup automated topk wide row reporting declined Medium (orange)
                                        T148655 T148655: Cassandra: Work-around broken JVM GC log rotation declined Medium (orange)
                                          T156199 T156199: Low-latency current revision storage resolved Medium (orange)
                                          T157173 T157173: Verify requirements and parameters for efficient TTL'ed storage in Cassandra resolved Medium (orange)
                                            T158691 T158691: Cassandra query tracing open Low (yellow)
                                              T164660 T164660: Restbase graphite alerts often showing up as UNKNOWN in icinga duplicate Medium (orange)
                                                T164865 T164865: Prototype and test range delete-based current revision storage resolved Medium (orange)
                                                  T177621 T177621: Apache Cassandra Tracking open Low (yellow)
                                                  T177650 T177650: Cassandra compaction throughput rate limiting invalid Low (yellow)
                                                    T177664 T177664: Cassandra races the JVM to create a heapdump resolved Medium (orange)
                                                      T178169 T178169: c-cqlsh should work for single instance installations open Low (yellow)
                                                        T178177 T178177: Investigate aberrant Cassandra columnfamily read latency of restbase101{0,2,4} resolved Medium (orange)
                                                        T178905 T178905: Upgrade RESTBase cluster to Cassandra release: 3.11.2 resolved Medium (orange)
                                                        T179105 T179105: Change new storage strategy defaults for Cassandra compression resolved Medium (orange)
                                                        T179374 T179374: Use one keyspace per storage group declined Low (yellow)
                                                          T180804 T180804: Reconfigure deflate compressed keyspaces to use LZ4 resolved Medium (orange)
                                                            T181964 T181964: Clean metrics for restbase erroneus legacy tables from cassandra 3 cluster resolved High (red)
                                                              T183745 T183745: FY17/18 Q3 Program 7 Services Goal: Full migration to Cassandra 3 resolved Medium (orange)
                                                              T184100 T184100: Reprovision legacy Cassandra nodes into new cluster resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                T185089 T185089: Alert UNKNOWN for restbase cassandra graphite alerts resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                  T186562 T186562: Reimage JBO-RAID0 configured RESTBase HP machines resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                    T186567 T186567: Deprecate cassandra-metrics-collector? resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                    T186656 T186656: Create missing Prometheus-based Grafana dashboards, and delete those obsolete resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                      T187255 T187255: Investigate abnormally wide partitions resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                        T187260 T187260: Reporting of wide Cassandra partitions open Low (yellow)
                                                                          T189057 T189057: Understand (and if possible, improve) cluster performance under the new storage strategy resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                          T189529 T189529: Test/upload new cassandra 2.2.6 package (wmf3) resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                            T189822 T189822: Replace 5 Samsung SSD 850 devices w/ 4 1.6T Intel or HP SSDs resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                              T189889 T189889: Excessive number of idle Cassandra connections open Low (yellow)
                                                                                T190689 T190689: FY17/18 Q4 Program 7 Services Goal: Language variants support resolved High (red)
                                                                                T191627 T191627: Remove Cassandra 2.2.6 packages from jessie-wikimedia/thirdparty apt repo declined Medium (orange)
                                                                                  T191659 T191659: Configure a threshold for earlier notification of /srv/cassandra/instance-data resolved High (red)
                                                                                    T191660 T191660: Script to collect forensic data from Cassandra hosts open Medium (orange)
                                                                                      T191662 T191662: Document RESTBase cluster severity / response information open Low (yellow)
                                                                                        T192112 T192112: Consider using default JVM G1GC settings in the RESTBase Cassandra cluster resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                          T192689 T192689: Unchecked storage growth resolved High (red)
                                                                                          T196377 T196377: Imbalanced storage distribution over JBOD devices resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                            T196745 T196745: Add Cassandra 3.11.2 package to internal APT repository resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                              T197018 T197018: Upstream changes to CQLSSTableWriter open Medium (orange)
                                                                                                T197019 T197019: Publish bulk-import revision culling utility declined Medium (orange)
                                                                                                  T197082 T197082: Cassandra schema migrations to add page_language resolved High (red)
                                                                                                    T197477 T197477: RESTBase storage capacity planning resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                    T197789 T197789: Schema upgrades to add headers field resolved High (red)
                                                                                                      T198787 T198787: Revisit default settings for c-foreach-restart open Medium (orange)
                                                                                                        T200437 T200437: Clean up RESTBase storage resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                          T200803 T200803: Upgrade Cassandra 3.11.2 clusters to 3.11.4 (bugfix release) resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                          T200937 T200937: RESTBase k-r-v storage overcommit invalid High (red)
                                                                                                          T201103 T201103: Reconsider use of RESTBase k-r-v storage for mobileapps resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                            T201508 T201508: Read timeouts during full table scans resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                              T204024 T204024: Store WikibaseQualityConstraint check data in persistent storage instead of in the cache stalled Medium (orange)
                                                                                                              T207946 T207946: Evaluate possible optimizations for concurrent JVMs open Lowest (sky)
                                                                                                                T208087 T208087: Replace remaining Samsung SSDs resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                T214166 T214166: Improve cassandra JBOD integration post-reimage resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                                  T219404 T219404: rack/setup/install restbase10[19-27].eqiad.wmnet resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                    T219560 T219560: Credentials needed for session storage Cassandra cluster resolved High (red)
                                                                                                                      T221528 T221528: Create new Parsoid tables resolved High (red)
                                                                                                                        T221530 T221530: Drop old mobile-sections keyspaces resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                          T222960 T222960: Fix restbase1017's physical rack resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                            T223976 T223976: Decommission restbase10(0[7-9]|1[0-5]) resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                              T223998 T223998: Remove old (a.k.a NG) Parsoid tables resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                T224260 T224260: restbase-dev1006 has a broken disk resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                                                  T224553 T224553: Migrate remaining Restbase servers to Stretch resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                  T224554 T224554: Migrate Restbase-dev cluster to Stretch resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                    T224623 T224623: Upgrade RESTBase cluster to Stretch duplicate Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                                                      T230792 T230792: Create Parsoid/PHP tables in Cassandra resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                        T234928 T234928: RESTBase sometimes not retaining stashed content? resolved High (red)
                                                                                                                                          T235299 T235299: Cassandra cluster management support for multi-tenancy resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                            T235675 T235675: Upload 3.11.4 packages to APT repo resolved Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                              T238591 T238591: Cassandra node outage: restbase2015-c (Cassandra 3.11.4) duplicate Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                                T249755 T249755: Cassandra3 migration for Analytics AQS open High (red)
                                                                                                                                                T249756 T249756: Cassandra3 migration plan proposal resolved High (red)
                                                                                                                                                  T253244 T253244: Upstream gocql bug effects Kask open Medium (orange)
                                                                                                                                                    T257572 T257572: Set up a testing environment for the AQS Cassandra 3 migration open Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                                                                      T261512 T261512: Provision new RESTBase/Cassandra cluster nodes: restbase1028, restbase1029, restbase1030 resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                                                                        T261966 T261966: Move cassandra puppet code (used by Restbase, Sessionstore, AQS, maps) to profile::java resolved Low (yellow)
                                                                                                                                                          T274262 T274262: Rebuild all blubber build docker images running on kubernetes resolved High (red)
                                                                                                                                                            T278699 T278699: AQS Cassandra driver needs to be updated declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                                                                                                                                              T278701 T278701: Store AQS schema and grants in git resolved High (red)
                                                                                                                                                                T280155 T280155: Dual loading from Hive into old and new AQS clusters declined Medium (orange)

                                                                                                                                                                  ... further results