This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Wikifeeds

Switch to Active Tasks 11 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T170455 T170455: Extract the feed endpoints from PCS into a new wikifeeds service resolved High (red)
T229287 T229287: Profile wikifeeds memory usage for Helm chart resolved High (red)
    T233028 T233028: Define SLIs/SLOs for wikifeeds resolved Medium (orange)
      T233076 T233076: wikifeeds does not honor mwapi_req config resolved Needs Triage (violet)
        T234219 T234219: Use a standard markup specification for collecting featured feed content from individual wikis open Needs Triage (violet)
          T239120 T239120: Services downstream from RESTBase should not separately alert due to RESTBase production monitoring timeouts declined Medium (orange)
            T256358 T256358: wikifeeds usage increased by 3x on 2020-06-24 resolved Low (yellow)
            T256381 T256381: Randomize feeds cache-control max-age open Low (yellow)
              T263133 T263133: Move feed assembly from RESTBase to Wikifeeds resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                T263780 T263780: Move feeds from behind RESTBase to the API Gateway open Needs Triage (violet)
                  T274262 T274262: Rebuild all blubber build docker images running on kubernetes resolved High (red)

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