This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)

Switch to Active Tasks 22 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T106363 T106363: Migrate Flow content to new separate logical External Store in production declined High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
T188502 T188502: Implement multilingual captions in UploadWizard resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
T199120 T199120: Build search/depicts prototype resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) Ramsey-WMF (Ramsey Isler)
T212126 T212126: Search prototype stability resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
    T212776 T212776: Support searching multiple filetypes at once resolved Medium (orange) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
      T212790 T212790: OOUI workarounds required for search prototype invalid Medium (orange) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
        T215311 T215311: Use the word "edit" in the captions panel on File page rather than the pen icon resolved Needs Triage (violet) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) egardner (Eric Gardner)
          T215924 T215924: Properly initialize depicts widget on page without existing depicts items resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
            T215935 T215935: Make search prototype use the statements widgets declined Needs Triage (violet) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
              T215936 T215936: Put search prototype behind a feature flag resolved Needs Triage (violet) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                T215937 T215937: [Spike] Render a basic (but functional) OOUI search widget on the backend open Needs Triage (violet) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                  T215958 T215958: Render property names the same way in PHP & JS resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                    T216130 T216130: Speed up initialization of JS depicts widget resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                      T216161 T216161: Fix render of depicts statements without qualifiers resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                        T216241 T216241: Make "make primary" work in read mode resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                          T216252 T216252: Don't submit statements that haven't been altered resolved High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                            T216527 T216527: [Spike] How to deal with WB replacing their JS data model? declined High (red) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                            T216536 T216536: Use filetype:bitmap|audio to search in multiple filetypes at once resolved Needs Triage (violet) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) Edtadros (Edward Tadros)
                              T216538 T216538: Get rid of the now unneeded code for nested checkboxes invalid Needs Triage (violet) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                                T216540 T216540: Update categories used in filetypes dropdown resolved Medium (orange) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) Ramsey-WMF (Ramsey Isler)
                                  T216541 T216541: Make sure that, when all are selected, the dropdown just says "Multimedia" invalid Medium (orange) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)
                                    T263841 T263841: RFC: Expand API title generator to support other generated data resolved Medium (orange) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie)

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