This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Structured-Data-Team-Current-Work

Switch to Active Tasks 34 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T199120 T199120: Build search/depicts prototype resolved High (red)
T204264 T204264: "Depicts crawling": Add displaying/editing statements to File page resolved High (red)
T208791 T208791: In the search bar, vary the placeholder text for each search mode (keyword/depict/other statements) resolved Medium (orange)
    T212162 T212162: Structured data heading is level-1 instead of level-2, because it's a slot and that's how MediaWiki represents them; let's over-ride this resolved Medium (orange)
      T214075 T214075: Enable federated access to entities and properties from Wikidata to Commons resolved Needs Triage (violet)
      T215304 T215304: "Depicts walking": Add/edit depicts statements in UploadWizard resolved High (red)
      T215307 T215307: Read mode depicts panel on File page resolved High (red)
        T215308 T215308: Use the word "edit" in the depicts panel, rather than the pencil icon resolved Medium (orange)
          T215310 T215310: Load depicts data into javascript on File page load resolved High (red)
            T215311 T215311: Use the word "edit" in the captions panel on File page rather than the pen icon resolved Needs Triage (violet)
              T215312 T215312: Put 'depicts' panel on File page into edit mode as soon as a depicts item is added resolved Medium (orange)
                T215313 T215313: Hide/remove qualifier display and editing in depicts on File page resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                  T215314 T215314: Handle errors from the server while editing depicts on File page resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                    T215316 T215316: Delete statements on 'publish' when editing depicts on File page resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                      T215642 T215642: Change file pages to display content in tabs, with captions and the wikitext block in the first and statements in the second resolved High (red)
                      T215645 T215645: Factor out the hard-coded magic for knitting together the PHP and JS side of TabLayout as built for Special:Preferences so others can use it resolved High (red)
                        T215924 T215924: Properly initialize depicts widget on page without existing depicts items resolved High (red)
                          T215936 T215936: Put search prototype behind a feature flag resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                            T215958 T215958: Render property names the same way in PHP & JS resolved High (red)
                              T216125 T216125: handle baserevid better between captions and depicts resolved High (red)
                                T216130 T216130: Speed up initialization of JS depicts widget resolved High (red)
                                  T216155 T216155: Switching to "read" state immediately when 'publish' button is clicked - is this a good idea? resolved High (red)
                                    T216161 T216161: Fix render of depicts statements without qualifiers resolved High (red)
                                      T216241 T216241: Make "make primary" work in read mode resolved High (red)
                                        T216252 T216252: Don't submit statements that haven't been altered resolved High (red)
                                          T216284 T216284: Search drop down for depicts tags should not include items for categories resolved High (red)
                                            T216298 T216298: [Alpha/Labs] Note CC0 license for all structured data on the new UploadWizard "Metadata" step resolved Medium (orange)
                                              T216450 T216450: [Alpha/Labs] Have links on Wikidata Q and P items open in a new window/tab resolved Medium (orange)
                                                T216452 T216452: [Alpha/Labs] Depicts field alignment resolved Low (yellow)
                                                  T216454 T216454: [Alpha/Labs... but also Prod] Publish changes - button states resolved Low (yellow)
                                                    T216536 T216536: Use filetype:bitmap|audio to search in multiple filetypes at once resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                      T219944 T219944: Upload Wizard depicts heading/label should match what's been updated for File Page resolved Medium (orange)
                                                        T219945 T219945: Change Upload Wizard step name from "Metadata" to "Add data" resolved Medium (orange)
                                                          T219947 T219947: Metadata/Add data step right alignment issues resolved Medium (orange)

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