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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Multimedia-Team-Working-Board

Switch to Active Tasks 49 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T176012 T176012: Complete outstanding work on MediaInfo Wikibase extension resolved High (red)
T177005 T177005: Allow MediaInfo pages to be accessed via associated file name resolved High (red)
T177022 T177022: Add an API module for querying MediaInfo entities by file page title resolved High (red)
    T177023 T177023: Add a page_props entry to new file pages linking to the associated MediaInfo entity resolved High (red)
      T178447 T178447: Make semantic choices for clarity between Commons items and Wikidata items ("labels" vs. "captions", etc.) resolved Medium (orange)
        T180981 T180981: Deploy WikibaseMediaInfo extension to beta resolved High (red)
        T181458 T181458: Prototype new File page functionality for Structured Data on Commons resolved Needs Triage (violet)
        T187438 T187438: Implement searching of multilingual captions on commons resolved Medium (orange)
        T187441 T187441: Investigate adding MediaInfo data to search index for File page resolved Medium (orange)
        T187570 T187570: Add MediaInfo data to search index for File page using onCirrusSearchBuildDocumentParse hook resolved Medium (orange)
          T188502 T188502: Implement multilingual captions in UploadWizard resolved High (red)
          T189145 T189145: UI Copy for Describe step on Upload Wizard resolved Needs Triage (violet)
          T192288 T192288: Write wikibase statements data to search index in MediaInfo resolved Medium (orange)
            T192345 T192345: Make keyword to match Wikibase statement data contained in the search index resolved Medium (orange)
              T192535 T192535: Investigate ranking of search results for a multi-lingual caption search resolved Medium (orange)
                T192946 T192946: Make gwtoolsetUploadMediafileJob JSON-serializable resolved Medium (orange)
                  T193012 T193012: Think about how to index and search qualifiers for 'depicts' statements resolved Medium (orange)
                  T193175 T193175: Implement UI for constructing 'depicts' search query open Medium (orange)
                    T193407 T193407: Store wikibase statement qualifiers in cirrus search index resolved Medium (orange)
                      T194245 T194245: Implement searching of 'depicts' on commons with the 'quantity' qualifier resolved Medium (orange)
                      T194401 T194401: Investigate storing commons data in BlazeGraph duplicate Medium (orange)
                        T194750 T194750: Deploy Structured Data on Commons baseline resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                        T195955 T195955: New search keyword for searching for statements with a quantity resolved Medium (orange)
                          T197941 T197941: Implement negated searching of 'depicts' statements on commons resolved Medium (orange)
                            T197942 T197942: Implement negated searching of statement qualifiers on commons resolved Medium (orange)
                              T199120 T199120: Build search/depicts prototype resolved High (red)
                              T199241 T199241: If a MediaInfo items depicts something that has its own 'depicts' statements, add those to the search index too open Medium (orange)
                                T200903 T200903: Have MediaInfo store its entities in an MCR slot on the associated file page resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                T201966 T201966: When WikibaseMediaInfo is installed in MCR mode, don't register namespaces for the wiki resolved Medium (orange)
                                T202287 T202287: Implement new File page design using OOUI (multi-lingual captions only) resolved High (red)
                                T202896 T202896: Display multi-lingual captions on File page using php declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                  T202897 T202897: Make multi-lingual captions on the File page editable using javascript declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                    T203107 T203107: Show/hide languages for multi-lingual captions on File page declined Needs Triage (violet)
                                      T204264 T204264: "Depicts crawling": Add displaying/editing statements to File page resolved High (red)
                                      T205732 T205732: Get WikibaseMediaInfo to the state that we're happy to proceed with initial production deployment (captions) resolved High (red)
                                      T205891 T205891: Display WikibaseMediaInfo captions block on the File page immediately after the file links, before the content of the wikitext block resolved High (red)
                                        T206545 T206545: Implement fixes from first pass of MediaInfo security review resolved High (red)
                                        T207016 T207016: Allow searching for a particular statement without a particular qualifier resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                          T208260 T208260: File Captions help/error text resolved Medium (orange)
                                            T208609 T208609: Beta Commons - File Caption language name and text values smooshed together in search results resolved High (red)
                                              T208785 T208785: Closing the search mode menu in basic search resolved Medium (orange)
                                                T208791 T208791: In the search bar, vary the placeholder text for each search mode (keyword/depict/other statements) resolved Medium (orange)
                                                  T208807 T208807: Searching Depicts UI changes resolved Medium (orange)
                                                    T208894 T208894: SDC: When using the back button, recently added captions sometimes don't display in Chrome resolved High (red)
                                                      T209125 T209125: Search prototype needs UI copy changed from Qualifiers to Properties resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                        T209502 T209502: Captions editor should behave better when the API gives us an HTML error response resolved Needs Triage (violet)
                                                          T212126 T212126: Search prototype stability resolved High (red)
                                                            T212162 T212162: Structured data heading is level-1 instead of level-2, because it's a slot and that's how MediaWiki represents them; let's over-ride this resolved Medium (orange)
                                                              T212776 T212776: Support searching multiple filetypes at once resolved Medium (orange)

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