This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Assignee

From cpt

Assignee: EBernhardson (EBernhardson)

Switch to Active Tasks 11 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T190958 T190958: CirrusSearchCheckerJob should have a title resolved High (red) Pchelolo EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
    T191024 T191024: Exception thrown while running DataSender::sendData in cluster codfw: Data should be a Document, a Script or an array containing Documents and/or Scripts resolved Medium (orange) dcausse (David Causse) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
      T196526 T196526: Geodata running long running queries on Commons resolved High (red) jcrespo (Jaime Crespo) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
        T212776 T212776: Support searching multiple filetypes at once resolved Medium (orange) matthiasmullie (Matthias Mullie) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
          T219932 T219932: Convert mjolnir from KafkaRDD to direct kafka-python usage resolved Needs Triage (violet) EBernhardson (EBernhardson) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
            T222268 T222268: Port usage of mediawiki_CirrusSearchRequestSet to mediawiki_cirrussearch_request resolved High (red) Ottomata (Andrew Otto) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
              T230495 T230495: Partition CirrusSearch mediawiki jobs by cluster resolved High (red) EBernhardson (EBernhardson) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
              T236186 T236186: Move bulk content out of the ElasticaWrite job resolved Medium (orange) EBernhardson (EBernhardson) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
                T247129 T247129: Remove usage of MEDIAWIKI_JOB_RUNNER from CirrusSearch extension resolved Medium (orange) Clarakosi (Clara Andrew-Wani) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
                  T287642 T287642: InvalidArgumentException: The given PageIdentity does not represent a proper page resolved High (red) brennen (Brennen Bearnes) EBernhardson (EBernhardson)
                    T90745 T90745: Flow ApiFlowModerateTopicTest::testModerateTopic() assumes ApiResult will pass through arbitrary objects resolved Medium (orange) Anomie EBernhardson (EBernhardson)

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