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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Wikimedia-database-error

Switch to Active Tasks 18 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T102132 T102132: Entry in 'revision' table, but no entry in 'page' table (found in English Wikipedia -- rev_id: 611002002) duplicate Low (yellow)
    T120140 T120140: Lock wait timeout exceeded (WikiPage::insertRedirectEntry) when renaming pages or otherwise editing/creating redirects open High (red)
      T121333 T121333: Certain prop=revisions API queries timeout with "internal_api_error_DBQueryError" resolved Needs Triage (violet)
        T144235 T144235: SpecialWhatLinksHere::showIndirectLinks is broken resolved Needs Triage (violet)
          T174513 T174513: Maintenance script to cleanup querycache open Needs Triage (violet)
            T176520 T176520: Pageimage property (and possibly other page properties) not updated reliably after reverts open Medium (orange)
              T199393 T199393: Reproducible deadlock in User::addToDatabase() when api.php?action=createaccount is called simultaneously by several users open Medium (orange)
                T205353 T205353: Clean up empty ar_user_text and rev_user_text fields open Needs Triage (violet)
                  T219702 T219702: Page import can fail with "Lock wait timeout exceeded" in WikiPage::insertOn open Medium (orange)
                    T224209 T224209: Orphaned entries in categorylinks duplicate Medium (orange)
                      T225469 T225469: Create maintenance script for bad actor data cleanup open Needs Triage (violet)
                        T227739 T227739: Contention on User::getActorId ? open Low (yellow)
                          T2323 T2323: Edits from various users active before 2003 are missing from Special:Contributions open Low (yellow)
                          T240405 T240405: WikiPage::updateCategoryCounts causing replication lag due to long-running writes on commonswiki resolved Medium (orange)
                            T248191 T248191: Can't reopen table in wikidb-unittest_ (from SpecialPageFatalTest) open Needs Triage (violet)
                            T250551 T250551: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionSizeError" resolved Medium (orange)
                              T268715 T268715: Occasional "Cannot access the database: Unknown error" in Wikimedia production open Medium (orange)
                                T281714 T281714: RuntimeException: Could not acquire lock for page ID '9277282'. open Low (yellow)

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