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Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Reading Epics

Switch to Active Tasks 11 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T114072 T114072: <section> tags for MediaWiki sections resolved Medium (orange)
T146032 T146032: Define and implement a common push notification architecture open Medium (orange)
T156734 T156734: Create Location Search APIs in RESTBase declined Low (yellow)
    T157132 T157132: Add ORES articlequality data to summaries? open Medium (orange)
    T159144 T159144: Cap Ex needs for Mobile SSR and Connection Management Project open High (red)
    T159985 T159985: Implement language variant support in the REST API resolved Medium (orange)
    T162185 T162185: Extract JSON API from MCS Page Content API invalid High (red)
      T163116 T163116: Define persistence backends for Push Notification Service resolved Medium (orange)
        T201384 T201384: mobile-html for offline: versioned CSS and JS open Medium (orange)
        T202105 T202105: Separate pagelib CSS from base CSS resolved Medium (orange)
          T66214 T66214: Define an official thumb API open Medium (orange)

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