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Tasks By Author

From cpt

Author: Urbanecm

Switch to Active Tasks 35 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T226830 T226830: Add information about available scaled images to list=allimages open Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm
    T229610 T229610: "View the status" link in "Your account is currently being renamed or merged" message links to Special:GlobalRenameProgress/$1 resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm thiemowmde (Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE))
      T229613 T229613: CentralAuth tests are broken resolved High (red) Urbanecm dbarratt (David Barratt)
        T230822 T230822: Include `dnsblacklist` in logs resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Urbanecm
          T231162 T231162: DBQueryError from ExternalStoreDB::fetchBlob: Table 'enwiki.blobs' doesn't exist resolved Low (yellow) Urbanecm aaron (Aaron Schulz)
            T233833 T233833: Add nqowiki to restbase resolved Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm Urbanecm
              T237194 T237194: Write maintenance script to rename a page_restriction level resolved Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                T237505 T237505: Globaluserinfo API module should allow getting data for more than one user at once open Medium (orange) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                  T237817 T237817: Semicolon is displayed at Special:Contributions duplicate Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm
                    T244088 T244088: Logging in at another wiki than WebAuth was set up fails stalled Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm
                    T245931 T245931: interwiki map API shouldn't add language parameter when InterwikiMagic is false resolved Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                      T246535 T246535: Minerva logo at cswiki was deleted resolved Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                        T247710 T247710: Argument 3 passed to ApiAuthManagerHelper::formatMessage() must be an instance of Message, null given, called in ApiAuthManagerHelper.php on line 337 resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Art.tsymbar (Art.tsymbar)
                          T248602 T248602: Lots of "EventBus: Unable to deliver all events: 504: Gateway Timeout" duplicate Medium (orange) Urbanecm
                            T248640 T248640: Make blockUsers.php script capable of unblocking resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                              T249325 T249325: cache_text cluster consistently backlogged on purge requests resolved High (red) Urbanecm ema (Emanuele Rocca)
                                T250020 T250020: Refactor logic for doing and logging unblock out of SpecialUnblock so it can be easily reused elsewhere resolved Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                                T252253 T252253: Inject services to SpecialBlock rather than summon them through MediaWikiServices class resolved Low (yellow) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                                  T254822 T254822: CentralAuth's group membership is not reliable resolved Unbreak Now! (pink) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                                    T260280 T260280: recentchange table is not updated after moving a page duplicate Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm
                                      T260485 T260485: CentralAuth uses wrong actor ID when locally suppressing the user (CVE-2020-25869) resolved High (red) Urbanecm daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                      T261143 T261143: Fix misattribution of block due to bad values in the ipblocks ipb_by_actor field resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm tstarling (Tim Starling)
                                        T262229 T262229: cswiki article "Pod Obecním kopcem" page is extremely long (due to red location map dot rendered in wrong place) resolved Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm matej_suchanek (Matěj Suchánek)
                                          T263220 T263220: Limit concurrency of DPL queries open High (red) Urbanecm
                                          T263749 T263749: Deletion of a file at Commons fails: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionError from line 1519 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.10/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: Explicit transaction still active. A caller may have caught an error. Open transactions: FileDeleteForm::doDelete duplicate Medium (orange) Urbanecm
                                            T272225 T272225: Special:Contributions no longer accepts display form of IPv6 addresses resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Ammarpad
                                              T275333 T275333: Special:ListUsers/confirmed doesn't load the list of confirmed users for some users at ptwiki resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                                                T275334 T275334: Changing user groups from $wgExtensionFunctions no longer works reliably open Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm
                                                T275335 T275335: suppressor group exists sometimes at Wikimedia wikis resolved Low (yellow) Urbanecm Urbanecm
                                                  T275336 T275336: push-subscription-manager group is sometimes available at all wikis open Low (yellow) Urbanecm
                                                    T275452 T275452: addWiki.php throws Wikimedia\Assert\PreconditionException from line 58 of /srv/mediawiki/php-1.36.0-wmf.31/includes/dao/WikiAwareEntityTrait.php: Expected User to belong to 'altwiki', but it belongs to the local wiki on writing main page resolved High (red) Urbanecm daniel (Daniel Kinzler)
                                                      T275453 T275453: addWiki.php warns Deprecated: Premature access to HookContainer, ObjectFactory and ServiceContainer resolved Medium (orange) Urbanecm Pchelolo
                                                        T280084 T280084: sql.php throws deprecation warnings open Medium (orange) Urbanecm
                                                          T283915 T283915: Special:Contributions shows contribs when passed User:Foo, and also say "user does not exist" open Medium (orange) Urbanecm
                                                            T296642 T296642: MediaWiki makes it possible to create tag '0', but it doesn't work progress Needs Triage (violet) Urbanecm matej_suchanek (Matěj Suchánek)

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