This site is no longer actively maintained. It exists for historical purposes as an example of Phabricator integration and Lua scripting.

Tasks By Project

From cpt

Project: Wikimedia-Incident

Switch to Active Tasks 15 Phabricator task(s).

Phabricator Link Wiki Link Status Priority Author Assignee Projects Subtasks Parent Tasks
T163495 T163495: Mediawiki revision-related queries are failing with high rate for enwiki on codfw resolved Needs Triage (violet)
T210451 T210451: Kafka topic is empty resolved High (red)
    T218255 T218255: Enabling api-request eventgate to group1 caused minor service disruptions resolved High (red)
    T219936 T219936: Investigate if kafka can decline requests to consume from consumers that support an older protocol resolved Medium (orange)
      T220421 T220421: attempt to backfill eventlogging data from eventlogging-client-side topic into per schema topics resolved High (red)
        T229277 T229277: Change-Prop should report 400 errors from endpoints resolved Needs Triage (violet)
          T247788 T247788: Parsercache sudden increase of connections resolved High (red)
            T249325 T249325: cache_text cluster consistently backlogged on purge requests resolved High (red)
              T255179 T255179: Session failures ("invalid CSRF token") preventing edits, login, logout, etc due to kask outage resolved High (red)
                T256395 T256395: Logged in with an account that doesn't belong to me resolved High (red)
                  T258664 T258664: 25% latency regression July 2nd due to InstallerExtensionSelector service running in production resolved High (red)
                    T264257 T264257: Fix ParserOutput corruption wmf.10 -> wmf.11 resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                      T269396 T269396: Parser cache serving old results resolved High (red)
                        T281480 T281480: SqlBlobStore no longer caching blobs (DBConnectionError Too many connections) resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)
                          T299095 T299095: Links tables corrupted due to incorrectly parenthesized delete queries resolved Unbreak Now! (pink)

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